What It's About....
Serious question, and may have just been my unfortunate experience but why:
if someone says they prefer the old hymns (from Christ through the 1700's) or hymns from the 1800s through the early 20th century, or the older revival songs from the 1800-1900s, they are so often told BUT IT AIN'T ABOUT YOU. Caps to show the spirit in which it is said.
But if someone says they prefer contemporary, folks fall all over themselves to make sure the CCM lover is pleased. Why is that person not also told BUT IT AIN'T ABOUT YOU?
This is my "blanket" answer to everybody in this thread on this matter...and then I'm gonna withdraw from the discussion. (at least for now) Our music...which is a part..A BIG PART...of our worship towards our God...should
be about Him...and truthfully...and
ONLY about Him. It is about "
style" and "
substance". It should be done in a style which does NOT distract from the message it is trying to convey and so as to not attract attention or "acquire
fans". It is not entertainment. Much of the current kind of CCM would be more at home in a large concert venue rather than in the church-house. The artists (there may be some exceptions)are professional performers who do concerts...not "ministry" in the classic sense. They sell (expensive) tickets, hats, t-shirts, CD's and other souvenirs, have "fan" clubs and booking agents just like the "secular" music performers and groups do.(I have the same issue with much of what the Gaither's do even though most of what they sing is done in a traditional style) Much of the time many of them share no common doctrinal or Biblical ground with those of us who would take a stronger stand on doctrinal issues within the church and would have no problem "yoking up" with groups whose religious "traditions" are contrary to the Bible we say we believe (ie.,Catholicism, Charismatics,etc.) You wouldn't know that to watch the reaction of many to today's CCM genre's. Let's get our heads OUT OF THE SAND PEOPLE. Many of these folks may have started out innocently enough but for many of them it is BIG BUSINESS now. This is an INDUSTRY. IT is about money. It is a "model" that has no foundation in Scripture. That's because so much attention is paid to "style". Many of these musicians openly declare that their musical "heroes" are ungodly secular musicians and groups who we would NOT want our kids listening to or attempting to emulate. We simply CAN'T have it BOTH WAYS and be pleasing to our God!
As to "substance", I know there are exceptions to every rule and even the CCM "artists" occasionally get a few songs that have some good depth in the spiritual sense( even a blind squirrel finds a nut occasionally!)...but much of what is sung these days focuses on "felt needs" and personal experience and perception rather than Biblical truth that is faithful to the scriptures. Many of the "Praise and Worship" songs and choruses have little real spiritual depth and are many times excessively repetitious.In fairness...I will also acknowledge that there are some of the "older" songs that are JUST AS SHALLOW and we should reject them as well. We need to be Biblically wise and discerning about these matters. Our bench mark can never be ..."well...I just LIKE this or that".....What does the music REALLY say? I don't profess to "Know it all"...but I am trying, for God's sake..not mine.....to know as much as possible and be right with God about it.
All of what I just said comes from the perspective of an older man that is a former mid-60's to late 70's classic rocker who was heavily invested in the music scene of my era. It was what I "partied" too and was a necessary part of every day to me. It was feel-good music that would have been at home in any bar, dancehall or concert venue...but certainly NOT the church. I love (good) music and know the value of it. There are some kinds of music that are not appropriate to "worship" because thy feed the flesh moreso than the spirit. I know many of you in here on the BB will disagree with me but that is where I must stand. It will be curious to me just what the music in Heaven will be like. The only thing I do feel certain about is that it will require us all to make some changes in our preferences that we had HERE. For some that will be a BIG CHANGE....for others...maybe not so much.:smilewinkgrin: Finally..let me add that I believe that music is a powerful force for either good or evil.
It is not, as some would have us believe.."ammoral". We need to be very careful what we use or follow after. In closing..I'll post a few YouTube's of my own that I believe bring great honor to the Lord and spiritual food to the hearts of the brethren. They are as follows:
Dr. Curtis Hutson - I'm on the Winning Side - YouTube ( by a dying man on his way HOME)....he is now THERE!
and this:
Victorious Valley - 4 - YouTube
and also:
Victorious Valley - 5 - YouTube
as well as:
YouTube - I Can Trust Jesus - The Collingsworth Family (They sing in churches too)
and finally:
Old Fashioned Christian Music Radio
Most of these examples would fall under the "old-fashioned" type of "style"...and I believe most of it has some real "substance" as well. I'm all for "contemporary" Christian music as long as it is not sung in a "style" that emulates the music of the lost world who cares nothing for God. There are many "impostors" in our day. OK...I'm done.
By the way....Enjoy the music...I hope it is a blessing to all!