This also covers up the spread of Covid that is a result of vaccinated people getting sick from the vaccine and spreading it to the unvaccinated. I have a relative that chose to be vaccinated after a lot of research. He and his peer-group and co-workers were careful to all get immunized at the same time, as they were aware of the risks of the unvaccinated catching Covid from the recently vaccinated. What they were not prepared for was how sick they all got at the same time.
I suspect that they were all heavily exposed to Covid by exposing each other to more than what was injected into them. I suspect the sicker they each got, the more Covid they were shedding into their group. They all ended out in bed for days and that separation is what probably saved them from getting even sicker.
In some areas, Covid numbers sky-rocketed soon after immunizations were introduced into their population. Maybe it was just because people were immediately adopting riskier behaviors. But maybe the immunizations themselves were not only making the vaccinated person sick, but everyone, vaccinated and unvaccinated, that they came in contact with.
Many hospitals say they don't have the ability to document who was vaccinated and who was not. But when they do, these methods of collecting data are a total cover up. Especially they cover up if vaccinated people are making everyone sick!
When my sister broke out in blisters all over her body and had a lifethreatening fever after her small pox vaccine, she was immediately isolated, and no one tried to claim that she did not have the ability to spread her disease. I am not sure what they documented as her diagnoses, to cover themselves, but they took the chance of her spreading her disease very very very seriously! That was not measles or chicken pox and no one suggested that it was within my hearing.
I remember what was done at that time, and said directly to us children, but not as much of what the adults said to each other about it. I was very young, but I grew up seeing her scars everyday and it was impossible to forget what caused them. I recently asked my mother about what happened and she was silent. She would not even acknowledge that I had spoken. I dropped the subject. She once told me there is a lot that I don't know. As I get older, I am realizing more fully how much that is true. I suspect this incident must overlap with other secrets in some way.
Sometimes parents and governments cover up things for our own good. Sometimes they are just very selfish or very stupid. Sometimes they are willing to sacrifice one child/group for the benefit of another. It is hard to know which it is when you are the one in the dark.