What is a virus?
Viruses are a result of internal toxicity (toxemia) caused by the environment.
Throughout the year, upon season and climatic/temperature changes, the body will dump mass amounts of toxins into the blood for removal, resulting in colds and flu.
Some of these toxins are so toxic in nature, such as mercury, formaldehyde, and other chemical byproducts, that living microbes cannot feed upon and eliminate them without dying.
Non-living proteins, called viruses, are then manufactured by each cell in the corresponding location of the body where this cleansing is necessary.
Those toxic substances are disassembled and broken down by viruses so that the body can eliminate them, restoring homeostasis.
What does a virus DO?
A virus’ primary function is to dissolve dead matter.
Viruses feed upon waste products in the blood and tissue, in that they are a soap/solvent/cleaning agent.
Viruses almost never dissolve living tissue, unless in specific circumstances such as polio and degenerative nervous system diseases where metal toxicity is present.
Viruses are cyclical in all animals.
Individual cells produce different viral strains depending on the condition of the tissue involved.
There are 320,000 viral strains inherent to the human body, and each cell contains the viral protein makeup to manufacture each strain when the body calls for it.
Viruses are sequenced/encoded by blood cells via RNA/DNA to break down specific dead and dying tissue and waste: viruses are very specific protein structures.
A virus is not a living organism, it is simply a well-organised molecular parasite.
Is a virus ALIVE?
NO. A virus lacks the ability to replicate on its own.
It requires the assistance of a host cells’ duplicating equipment, in order to borrow enzymes and other molecules to concoct more viruses.
The human body has trillions of viruses and micro-organisms present that live in our skin, intestines, mucous membranes, etc.
The presence of a virus does not mean it is the cause of an illness.
We are breathing viruses, eating them, touching them.
NO. Viruses do not ‘infect’ or ‘invade’ cells: they are NOT alive to do so in the first place.
Coughing, sneezing, or spitting is not a vector for the transmission of viruses.
Saliva and mucus membranes break down any such particles.
Skin is not a vector either because viruses cannot cross dead skin layers.
Viruses cannot enter through wounds because we bleed outwardly, not inwardly.
Viruses cannot enter through the skin or eyes. Such vectors do not work because the mucus membranes and the immune system discard small amounts of foreign proteins such as viruses.
Viruses do not ‘exist’ outside of petri-dish solutions or a living body.
Viruses cannot function without a host cell that manufactures them and encodes them, and viruses cannot replicate without a host cell.
Can a virus cross over to another SPECIES?
NO. Viruses cannot cross-species, i.e., from animal to mankind.
It is impossible for humans to develop animal flus because:
A. Viruses are NOT contagious, and,
B. Animal RNA/DNA is NOT compatible with human RNA/DNA.
When animal meat is consumed by a human, it is converted into human tissue.
Human cells cannot produce animal cells or viruses.
If we develop viruses, they are human viruses.
Even if animal viruses could ‘hijack’ human cells, human cells cannot possibly produce animal viruses.
Can we get a virus by UNNATURAL means?
The ONLY way to get a virus outside of natural means is via direct injection (vaccine) or blood transfusions of a patient who has a virus.
However, in such cases, the body only analyzes it as foreign tissue that must be eliminated.
Since the virus did not originate within the bodily host, that body does not know the time and place that the virus will be active nor does it have the key to decode it (RNA or DNA encoded by the cell) and cannot find the time of its activity.
As such, it is analyzed as a foreign substance that must be eliminated.
Protein solvents (viruses) are manufactured of varying strengths to discard this waste if living microbes cannot eliminate it.
What about viruses as a Biological Weapon?
The only way viruses can be used as a biological weapon is via injection. PERIOD.
It is possible that such man-made viral strains are included in regular existing vaccines, and this should not be ruled out as a possibility, but as previously stated, viral strains from outside the body are not recognized. However, man-made substances that are injected can be designed to provoke extreme reactions in humans via various levels of tissue sterilization and adjuvants.
Koch’s Postulates (1933) are used to verify the Existence of a Contagious Pathogen.
NO purported disease has EVER completed the protocol.
Consequently, there is no such thing as a Contagious Pathogen.
The only things you are likely to die of these days are the effects of
5G, old age, VACCINATION or FEAR.