I presume you have donated all your temporal wealth to the poor before making this statement.
Not all , but some.. I have a responsibility to my family too.. :smilewinkgrin:
but I have helped illegals in the process to become legal.. AFTER the officials lost the money and I helped pay again!...
I don't check for documentation before I give money to people.. if they need help.. i help them if I can....
Tomorrow I am checking on a teen that told my son that their family needs help.. I have $20 i'm planning on helping where I can.. I don't know if this teen is illegal or not.. I don't know if her mom is American, Black, white, latino, french, Democrat, or even a Christian.. I'm not sure if it is a mixed marriage, or even if they had ancestors from Turkey!... I don't care...
All I care about is the family needs help.. and if I can't look past legal status.. (Heck the mom and dad may not even be married.. aghast!.).. to help them, then i am no better than the pharisees that didn't want to have anything to do with those "illegal" samaritans!...
That said, I'm pretty sure the family is American.. born and raised in Southern WV.. but hey, they may be on drugs, pain medicines, etc.. and if they are, I'll figure out how to help the kids wisely with my $20.
We stood amazed and horrified at the video of the child laying on the street after getting hit by a van, and people walked by.. we talk about how bad the chinese are.. but Christians that refuse to help others based on documentation.. are just as bad...
Either you abide by kingdom principles. or you don't.. Loving others is a requirement in the Kingdom.. with no strings attached..
And even if you don't want to give money to help.. learn how to help in more tangible ways like walking with them and helping them become legal. Learn how to tudor an ESL class.. many Latinos want to learn English.. many are learning.. but need help...