University president Dr. Thomas White reengages with Fundamentalist Baptists, upsets faculty with standards campaign:
John Greening, national representative of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches:
"you will notice two new advertisers in this issue of the Baptist Bulletin: Cedarville University and Bob Jones University....both Cedarville University and Bob Jones University unhesitatingly agree with the GARBC’s doctrinal and mission historic theological fundamentalists and hermeneutical premillennialists, we stand together for the proclamation of the Word of God and faith in Jesus Christ."
"I have a sincere respect for Dr. Thomas White, president of Cedarville University. Over a period of three years, he has been kind to visit extensively with me, the Council of Eighteen policy committee, and the full Council. He has humbly stated, 'You can ask me anything you want.' His answers have always been straightforward. The stand he has taken and the decisions he has made in his leadership role deserve commendation and support. He has positioned the school again on its heritage and values. We are pleased to renew a friendship with this institution."
Christianity Today - Faculty push back against stricter standards keeping curse words, R-rated movies, and sexual content out of their curricula
"Cedarville President Thomas White launched a campaign last year....The new policy’s instructions for faculty assigning reading material: 'Passages that are clearly pornographic, erotic, obscene, or graphic must be avoided. While it may be important to expose students to various genres of writing, examples need to be selected to avoid inappropriate material.' For films: 'As a general rule, 'R' rated movies will not be shown. PG-13, PG, and unrated movies should be evaluated based on language, sexual content, graphic violence, and nudity.'"
The move has "prompted several professors in multiple departments to begin looking for jobs elsewhere. Some have started going to counseling to address anxiety over their future."
"At Cedarville, professors were frustrated that the university did not seek their approval before enacting the policy change. 'The lack of insight and the message of distrust to the faculty is insulting and demoralizing,' one said."
""Faculty in various department meetings were absolutely furious—even faculty who tend to be in favor of the administration’s policies,' said one of the dozens of concerned professors who showed up at the town hall meetings held by administrators in March."
John Greening, national representative of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches:
"you will notice two new advertisers in this issue of the Baptist Bulletin: Cedarville University and Bob Jones University....both Cedarville University and Bob Jones University unhesitatingly agree with the GARBC’s doctrinal and mission historic theological fundamentalists and hermeneutical premillennialists, we stand together for the proclamation of the Word of God and faith in Jesus Christ."
"I have a sincere respect for Dr. Thomas White, president of Cedarville University. Over a period of three years, he has been kind to visit extensively with me, the Council of Eighteen policy committee, and the full Council. He has humbly stated, 'You can ask me anything you want.' His answers have always been straightforward. The stand he has taken and the decisions he has made in his leadership role deserve commendation and support. He has positioned the school again on its heritage and values. We are pleased to renew a friendship with this institution."
Christianity Today - Faculty push back against stricter standards keeping curse words, R-rated movies, and sexual content out of their curricula
"Cedarville President Thomas White launched a campaign last year....The new policy’s instructions for faculty assigning reading material: 'Passages that are clearly pornographic, erotic, obscene, or graphic must be avoided. While it may be important to expose students to various genres of writing, examples need to be selected to avoid inappropriate material.' For films: 'As a general rule, 'R' rated movies will not be shown. PG-13, PG, and unrated movies should be evaluated based on language, sexual content, graphic violence, and nudity.'"
The move has "prompted several professors in multiple departments to begin looking for jobs elsewhere. Some have started going to counseling to address anxiety over their future."
"At Cedarville, professors were frustrated that the university did not seek their approval before enacting the policy change. 'The lack of insight and the message of distrust to the faculty is insulting and demoralizing,' one said."
""Faculty in various department meetings were absolutely furious—even faculty who tend to be in favor of the administration’s policies,' said one of the dozens of concerned professors who showed up at the town hall meetings held by administrators in March."