canadyjd said:
I don't know he's a Gideon. He didn't ask my permission before he started speaking to my kid.
For all I know, he's a J.W. or a Mormon, or maybe even

a Freewill Baptist

The point is, they shouldn't be talking to minor children without their parent's permission.
peace to you

The point has been made before, but maybe it bears repeating. Who said the Gideons were "talking" to anyone? My experience with them is that they say very little, especially to children. They just maybe ask them if they'd like to have a Bible. Very non intrusive.
As a parent, I trust you would all check out any non school reading material brought home by your child. And if you child is very small, I trust you or someone you know is meeting them at school to pick them up. If not , they should be under the direct supervision of a teacher until they either get on a bus or are picked up by someone authorized to do so.
Now I'm wondering how they were able to hand Bibles out without an adult supervisor in the immediate area. Is the school showing some lack of responsibility here?
No. I believe the concern at the school was the handing out of Bibles, while it appears that most everyone here is concerned about the child.
If not, I believe the overzealous principal could have simply expressed his or her concerns to the Gideons or went out to be closer to their activities to "protect" the children and that would have solved the problem without getting the police involved.