You are talking about particles measured in “microns” which is one millionth of a meter.
Viruses are measured in nanometers which is one billionth of a meter. Viruses are literally 1000 times smaller than you claimed. A virus will go through an N95 mask like a gnat through an open window.
Everything you posted about N95 masks stopping a virus is MISINFORMATION!. It is not true.
I know you will ignore scientific truth and just regurgitate more nonsense, but at least I tried.
peace to you
Driving to work this morning I was thinking about how to explain to an adult what was common knowledge just a few years ago. I love you, brother, but I also think you are rejecting what you know to be true as you are a bit "
over influenced" by the anti-science liberals.
I think I know how to explain this to you. Rather than focusing on radioactivity and the fact P95 masks provide some radcon protection let's look at a more elementary school explanation.
We know respiratory viruses are in the bodies of effected people. They spread through droplets when people talk, caugh, sneeze, yawn, etc.
The anti-covid-vaxers will say a mask cannot stop a water molecule because of its size. Get a hot cup of coffee. Put a mask on top. The anti-covid-vaxers believe the mask will have no effect and the steam will pass through unimpeded. But you can see for yourself they are wrong. Some steam (depending on the amount) may pass through but a lot of the moisture will be in the mask.
Now get a mirror or a pair of glasses. Breath on it. What you see is moisture. Get a piece of cloth. Breathe through it for a few minutes. Doyou feel the warmth on tge cloth? Put it against your cheek. Can you feel the mixture.
This moisture is what we call "droplets". When we exhale (breathe out) we exhale moist air (we "breathe out droplets").
As you have seen, these droplets can be stopped by a mask.
What, you may ask, does this have to do with viruses?
Respiratory viruses are spread through these droplets when a person is infected by a respiratory virus. We do not just exhale separate water molecules, bacteria, viruses, etc. We exhale droplets which contain (are made up or composed) these things.
If you stop the droplets you stop the virus, bacteria, etc that are in the droplets.
Does that help you understand?