Sapper Woody
Well-Known Member
...these would be the last thing id ever use to spread the gosple message.
The thing is, as I said before, they are a supplement, not a solo venue. You can use tracts in addition to whatever you are doing currently. With this being said, there is absolutely no reason to be against leaving them places or handing them out to people. They aren't meant to be left somewhere so that the person who left it feels as if they've done their evangelism for the day/week.
I honestly don't understand anyone being against handing them out, or leaving them places. I do understand that the chance of someone getting saved as a result of me leaving a tract somewhere is small, but there is a chance. I've heard testimony to either that, or people finding a tract with a church address and coming to the church, hearing the gospel, and getting saved.
We should be using every available tool that we have to reach the lost. Tracts included.