I am sure child rape does result in the death of a child anyway, probably more often than we know. How many adults have committed suicide because they couldn't continue to live with the pain of their past? How many women have over eaten themselves into obesity (and resulting medical problems and death) because they were trying to kill the pain? I wonder how many have suffered or died from STD's given to them by an abuser?
Isn't treason punishable by death? If so, wow, what a message we're sending here. Go ahead and abuse our kids, but don't betray the country.
By the way, why would a child need to testify if there is DNA evidence? These perverts should be executed, in public, as a deterrent to others, and to protect against future offenses. Anyone who believes differently should personally pay to feed and house the offenders, and the expensive councelling required for the children, instead of expecting the taxpayers to foot the cost of keeping these monsters alive.
Isn't treason punishable by death? If so, wow, what a message we're sending here. Go ahead and abuse our kids, but don't betray the country.
By the way, why would a child need to testify if there is DNA evidence? These perverts should be executed, in public, as a deterrent to others, and to protect against future offenses. Anyone who believes differently should personally pay to feed and house the offenders, and the expensive councelling required for the children, instead of expecting the taxpayers to foot the cost of keeping these monsters alive.