Iconoclast presents fiction once again. Dr. Dan Wallace's view has not been corrected by any so-called expert advocating Calvinism. Calvinists just make things up and post the falsehoods one after another.
2 Thessalonians 2:13 clearly presents election, God chose you for salvation through the sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the truth.
Originally Posted by Van
To summarize the three posts of Archangel,
(1) a misrepresentation of 2 Thessalonians 2:13,
(2)an assertion as to how Dr. Wallace would translate the verse at odds with how the NET translates it, and Dr. Wallace is the senior editor, and
(3) an argument from authority - his view must be right because many scholars agree with his view. This of course is a logical fallacy.
1. You charge that I misrepresent 2 Thessalonians 2:13, yet you are unable to articulate why--only saying your understanding of the grammar supports your interpretation when, by your own admission, you do not understand Greek grammar.
2. I am not asserting how Wallace would translate the text. I am referencing his Magnum Opus on Greek grammar. In his book Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics, Wallace makes no firm or definitive statement as to how this particular passage should be translated. On the other hand, he does present the principles of grammar, syntax, exegesis, and translation that you might do well to learn.
3. It is not an appeal to authority--although, since you cannot interact with the text on a technical level, I understand why you would try to appeal to this to dismiss my argument in toto. The REALLY funny thing (and quite sad too) is that you do the very thing you accuse me of doing (which, by the way, I didn't do) when you write:
Originally Posted by Van
We need not guess at how Dr. Wallace would translate 2 Thess. 2:13, because we have the NET translation which reads "for salvation." He is the senior New Testament editor of the NET Bible.
Again, you really need to learn what the appeal to authority fallacy is all about. The "Argument from Authority is:
Source A says that p is true.
Source A is authoritative.
Therefore, p is true.
See here for a good discussion that should help your understanding.
I have not stated that I am right because a recognized scholar says what I am saying. No, and this is a subtle difference, I have done my work and made my arguments based on the text itself. It just so happens that several noted and well-known scholars happen to agree with me. Again, that encourages me, but it doesn't make me right. My exegesis of the text does that.
Originally Posted by Van
I do thank Archangel for working so hard to stand firm in his belief in the truth. But, my assertion remains solid, nothing in the Greek Grammar of 2 Thessalonians 2:13 precludes my understanding of the verse. My view does not violate the syntax, so based on grammar alone, my view is better supported. But as I have said, grammar only points to a valid understanding, and more than one valid understanding based on grammar is possible.
Again we have no "this is why I am right," no "your understanding of the [insert aspect of Greek grammar here] is wrong because...," and no engagement with the technical arguments based in the Greek text whatsoever.
In short, your response is tantamount to saying "whatever...I'm not listening." Which is, frankly, what I expected of you, not having any facility with the Greek.
The Archangel