If you recall, you plucked my 'friend of God' comment out of its context, which was about female submission and Christ's headship being more in line with one who treats those he leads as 'friends' rather than 'slaves.' I'm not sure how that conversation would fit this accusation, but maybe you can explain? Or, maybe you can quote other examples?
Actually you plucked that out of any context at all, I quoted the entire phrase. And as such there is no context in which that statement represents God correctly. And in that phrase you used the word master not slave.
Jesus, NOT ME, said, "I no longer call you slaves, but friends..." What point would you suggest he is attempting to make if not the one I've expounded upon throughout this thread? Could it not be the shift from a law (master/servant) based relationship to a grace (father/son/friend) type relationship. After all, one of the major points of the Old Testament is "you are no longer under law but under grace," right? I'm not sure why we are arguing this point? Maybe you can explain.
Master in the sense of submission to God not slave as in I have no other choice.
Again, you never explained what specifically you disagreed with about my statement. And you never explained why you didn't find what I said problematic, but yet you still didn't agree?
Maybe you were just feeling disagreeable that day?
Interesting, several others understood me. Not sure why you cannot.