No, I don’t. I know people like you and your ways. Use your “LGB” as a weapon. If you were truly celibate you wouldn’t have mentioned it here. Or that “ raises hand”... seems to me like someone looking for attention.
Besides if your lusting for another of your kind in your heart, you’re already committed the sin under God. Claiming to be a Christian and homosexual at the same time doesn’t work. Unless you are in one of those churches that allow for homosexual sodomist to flourish. The Bible is clear on the matter
Pearls before swine I suppose. But very well. Let us do battle.
I was raised a very conservative home. I'm still rather conservative by comparison to most of the left, I only just recently began leaning left wing, and even though I'm not Libertarian anymore I still have a few leanings in that direction. (I was Libertarian for years.) I disagree with a lot of what the left peddles honestly. But you may continue to make assumptions about me instead of asking me what my views are, as you probably will. I'll just debunk them.
By your logic, being attracted to anyone is a sin, just acknowledging the fact that you like the opposite sex. Or is any and all attraction a sin until you're married? Or, should you just strive to experience no attraction ever and therefore not refer to yourself as heterosexual until you're married and can safely experience heterosexual attraction without it being in sin? That's ridiculous.
Just thinking "ooh that person is attractive" isn't lust--there are different kinds of attraction. Sexual, romantic, even other kinds like aesthetic (just thinking someone looks very handsome/pretty).
And for your information, I'm asexual. So the only kind of attractions I experience are romantic and aesthetic. There's no "lusting" involved on my end, and even if I did experience sexual attraction, lusting is something deeper than that. It's dwelling on something you can't have, imagining it in your heart even though you know it's forbidden, trying to have your cake and eat it too. It's not simply a passing notion of "oh, I'm attracted to that person".
If someone experiences attraction to the same sex, then they are homosexual, same as someone who experiences attraction to the opposite sex is heterosexual. It's simply a descriptor for what they experience, nothing more.
By your logic, sir, a lustful straight man cannot be a Christian until he stops lusting. Christians still deal with sin even after conversion, it doesn't revoke their Christianity.
Tell me, do you still feel attracted to people who aren't your spouse? Do you mayhap even deal with lust toward people other than your spouse? Most Christians will tell you that this experience is normal, even though they try to combat it.
That's what it's like to be same sex attracted and Christian. Most of the time it does not go away. You simply learn to live a life of celibacy and not act on your attractions, not even in your imagination.