Go through there books and confessionals
1. God in infinite and perfect love, having provided in the covenant of grace, through the mediation and sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, a way of life and salvation, sufficient for and adapted to the whole lost race of man, freely offers this salvation to all men in the gospel. Rv 22.17, Jn 3.16, 1 Jn 2.1-2, Acts 2.38-39, Mt 11.28-30, 2 Cor 5.14-19, Ti 2.11, Heb 2.9, Lk 24.46-47, Jer 31.3, 1 Jn 4.9,16, Ti 3.4-5. Heb 13.20-21, 12.22-24, 8.10, Eph 2.8, 1 Tm 2.5-6, Heb 9.26, 1 Cor 15.3, Rom 5.6,8, Jn 10.10-11, 11.25, 14.6,19, Phil 1.21, Acts 4.12, Rom 1.16, Heb 5.9, 2 Pt 3.9, Mt 24.14, Jn 4.42, Rv 11.15, Rom 6.23, 2 Cor 9.15.
2. In the gospel God declares his love for the world and his desire that all men should be saved; reveals fully and clearly the only way of salvation; promises eternal life to all who truly repent and believe in Christ; invites and commands all to embrace the offered mercy; and by his Spirit accompanying the word pleads with men to accept his gracious invitation. Mt 28.19-20, Acts 4.12, Jn 6.37-40, 17.3, Acts 16.30-31, 2.38, Gal 2.16-20, Rom 1.16-17, 4.5, Acts 13.38- 39,48, 2 Pt 3.9, Mt 11.28-30, Mk 1.14-15, Acts 17.30, Rv 22.17, Ez 33.11, Is 1.18, Lk 13.34, Jn 3.16-17, 1 Jn 4.9-10, Is 45.22, Heb 10.19-22, Jn 14.6, Rom 10.9, 1 Pt 1.8-9, Heb 3.7-8, 2 Cor 6.2, Heb 4.16, Rom 5.8, 2 Thes 3.5, Phil 2.12-13, Jn 16.13-14.
Again its an open offer. They can walk up to any stranger and say GOD loves them and wants them to be saved.
Call a Presbyterian ask Does God want me to be saved? I'm convinced they will say YES.
Opposed to the I DON'T KNOW we get here.
They even baptize infants already welcoming them into God's family.
I'll prob listen to some of their sermons tonite.