1) Thoughts about letting your little kids believe in Santa.
I don't think there is inevitably anything wrong with it-- but when they they ask questions such as "How does Santa travel the whole world in one night?" , answer truthfully. IOW don't insult their emerging abilities to reason.
2) Thoughts about having a Christmas tree in your church building
I'm alright with it. I know it comes from a seasonal pagan tradition, and I know what Jeremiah 10 says-- but if you want to take that with all seriousness all the time, then is it wrong to varnish a wooden pew, let alone use a router on it?
3) Thoughts about cancelling services on 25 Dec - since it is Christmas
I'm not in favor of it, but the reality is most people are not going to come. If it's a very small church that would not expect even 10 people to attend, just encourage them to remember to worship in their own homes or groups.
4) Thoughts about what charities (such as Red Cross, Salvation Army) you would give extra to.
I may give to those organizations I know about, but probably not to those I've never heard of.
5) Thoughts about using the term X-mas
To me it's not a problem because I know X [chi] represents Christ. But I had a grandmother who hated that, claiming that replaces Christ with X, as in "Mr. X." It's a matter of perception, and I respect anybody's perception. If a logical explanation is beyond a person, then leave it.
6) Thoughts about how much you should spend for Christmas Presents
Too much indicates you're trying to buy someone's love or respect. Too little indicates someone is not worth the effort or the money. But "too..." is always relative.
7) Thoughts about volunteering at a rescue mission type of ministry on Christmas Eve/Day
That's a good thing under most circumstances.
8) Thoughts about if we should even celebrate Christmas - since it was based on pagan worship
Jerusalem was already a fortified city before David captured it and made it his capital city-- so it's not without precedent that God's People take something pagan and dedicate it as holy [separate] for a worshipful purpose.
9) other - feel free to discuss....
Christmas is excessive.For most people in lands that celebrate it, it does add to happiness, with gifts, decorations, seeing family, being charitable... But for some, it may have the opposite effect, if it's associated with tragedy, disappointment, or knowing it will never be the special time it was before. It's interesting that Sol Invictus [the Unconquered Sun] starts to "return" about this time, and we only need change one letter -- Sun to Son-- to make what ancient pagans celebrated to what we celebrate.