I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree here, Protestant. For me and my camp, we see too much in scripture that says Christ died for the world, and that God loved the world, and that God desires that no one should perish.
Thank you, PT, for returning to the discussion.
In reviewing your latest responses I have a clear sense of how you exegete Scripture: Choosing only those Scriptures which appeal to the natural human mind as portraying the Lord as only loving all men equally, Christ having died for all men equally, God sincerely desiring not one human perish, not even Judas, the son of perdition.
Let us for a moment assume you and your supporters are correct.
Your side all agree that election is based on God's foreknowledge.
Your argument is as follows:
God is eternal and omniscient. In eternity He foresees which men will accept Jesus and which will not.
He then elects and predestinates, in eternity, those men who will, in the course of time, accept Jesus in their hearts.
Let us assume that is the biblical teaching of election.
Please, if you can, explain how it is -- since God loves everybody equally and sincerely desires none perish -- God does not change the circumstances and DNA of the billions whom He foresees will not accept Jesus in their hearts, since His foreknowledge preceded creation and He has all eternity to reconstruct His plan infinite times to His good pleasure before He actually begins His first act of creation?
Since we all agree that which is impossible with man is possible with God, certainly the all-wise, all-powerful God knows exactly what each unbelieving human needs in order to come to saving faith in Jesus.
And yet billions are already damned while billions more are soon be damned for all eternity.
Here is the predicament re-stated:
Either God is not all-wise and all-powerful and is therefore impotent and unable to design a perfect plan to save the billions who will eventually reject Christ – though He has done everything in His power and wisdom to save them -- or God is all-wise and all-powerful and never intended to give the billions the saving graces necessary to believe unto justification, sanctification and glorification in the first place.
Either God is eternally all-wise and all-powerful to an infinite degree or He is not.
Either God is able to carry His purposes and objectives to perfection or He is not.
Is the God you describe the God of the Bible?
Now if you respond, “But God gave man free will, leaving the destiny of man in man’s own hands,” I respond, then God does not love them, for He infallibly knew from eternity the destiny of billions was Perdition, as you concede, and yet created them anyway.
Therefore, they were created as destined vessels of wrath fitted to destruction.
It would have been far better for them had He not created them at all, would you not agree?
Yet He chose to create them knowing full well the eternally miserable outcome of their destiny.
Why, I ask, create those whom God infallibly knows will burn in eternal hellfire?
Either He created them willingly, or He created them unwillingly.
If He created them unwillingly then He is no God, for something greater than God forced His will.
But if He created them willingly, then He is the sovereign God and and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?
And if He created them willingly He had a wise, holy, righteous and excellent reason to do so.
Can you imagine a reason?
You can be sure it wasn't because He loved them.
PT, the issues I raise are quite serious because they center on the identity of the very God we all claim to know, serve and worship.
Eternal life hangs on the true knowledge of God and Jesus Christ.
And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.