Um, I wouldn't depend too much on Van's description of progressive dispensationalism.

He did not mention its genesis (and the motive for that), what dispensations it recognizes, etc. I've very seldom interacted with him outside of the Translation/Version forum here, but began to ignore him when...well, a number of reasons.
The theology began as an attempt at the national ETS (Evangelical Theo. Soc.) meeting to unite dispensationalists with covenant theologians. (They had something called the "Dispensational Study Group.") Therefore, it is a compromise theology, trying to put the best of both into one basket. It fails, ending up with a confusing mishmash of only 3 (maybe) dispensations, making it not even a true form of dispensationalism, IMO.
The main theologians are out of Dallas TS. The movement was introduced to the public with a 1993 book, by Craig Blaising and Darrel Bock,
Progressive Dispensationalism. I'll add to this post something from my lecture on the subject.
The Teachings of Progressive Dispensationalism
A. Progressive dispensationalists have adapted their hermeneutics to literary criticism and covenant theology. “What emerges is what we will call the ‘historical-grammatical-literary-theological’ method. This fourfold description of hermeneutics is really what most mean when they speak simply of the historical-grammatical method.”
B. To the progressive dispensationalist, “present blessings are a partial, not ‘allegorical,’ fulfillment of those promises. They look forward to complete fulfillment at the return of Christ.”
[2] This is the result of what is called “already/not yet” interpretation, which suggests that prophecies can have fulfillment at not just one, but multiple times in history.
C. Progressive dispensationalism does not believe that the present dispensation started at Pentecost, but at Christ’s resurrection. “We also see how a new arrangement, a new dispensation, is inaugurated when Jesus, having died to provide for the forgiveness of sins, is vindicated by God and brought to God’s right hand to mediate the giving of the Spirit that places God’s law on the heart.”
D. Progressive dispensationalists do not believe that the church is peculiar to the age of grace. Blaising and Bock wrote, “One of the most striking differences between progressive and earlier dispensationalists, is that progressives do not view the church as an anthropological category in the same class as terms like Israel, Gentile Nations, Jews, and Gentile people.”[4] In other words, they consider the church to be a permanent fixture carrying on through the events of the next dispensation. “The only thing that makes the ‘church’ distinct in this era, according to progressive dispensationalism is the
extent of salvation blessings: the present church is unable to receive
all of the blessing of the covenants since kingdom blessings have only been
inaugurated with Christ’s first advent.”
E. This approach puts great emphasis on Old Testament covenants (Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic) being progressively fulfilled down through the various dispensations.
[1] Craig Blaising and Darrell Bock,
Progressive Dispensationalism (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1993), 77.
[2] Ibid, 53.
[3] Darrell Bock, “God’s Plan for History: The First Coning of Christ, in
Dispensationalism and the History of Redemption, ed. by D. Jeffrey Bingham and Glenn R. Kreider (Chicago: Moody, 2015), 163.
[4] Blaising and Bock, 49.
[5] Beacham, 29; emphasis in the original.