Greetings Matthew,
I am curious regarding the nuance of difference between liberal apostasy and regular apostasy. Does this imply there may be a conservative apostasy?
Follow-up questions: How many reformations of apostasy does it take to make a church orthodox?
Henry, the eighth one, was excommunicated from Rome, having snubbed papal authority. What authority did he use to in effect make himself pope, and start anew: The Church of England? And how did he arrive at said authority?
Even so, come Lord Jesus.
Bro. James
I always think it very sad that this same Henry was given the title by Rome "Defender of the Faith" after he wrote a wee book defending the Faith against Martin Luther. The authority Henry used as far as I know was that he was King and those who opposed him got the quickish trip to the axeman. Which is why Bishop Fisher and Sir Thomas More have been named saints....because of their martyrdom for the Faith. The other clergy were intimidated into knuckling under their secular leader.
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