The reason I asked which church was that I was wondering if this was the church that you had mentioned in past posts.
Sometimes churches have things in place, to their satisfaction anyway, and are very resistant to someone coming in and changing things. Sometimes they are apprehensive for good reasons, other times they may be apprehensive for not so good reasons. But here are a couple of things to consider as you move forward:
First, if you are not a member of that church then you may find it difficult to gain support. Membership conveys a sense of responsibility and accountability (which goes both ways). If you are not a member then you are not the responsibility of that church (the elders have no business approving or disapproving of your efforts as you reside outside of their scope of responsibility).
Second, you may find resistance in terms of your family situation. I really hate to bring this up, and you have my apologies if you find it inappropriate but as you’ve discussed it recently on the BB it needs to be examined. Some churches will consider a man who is separated from his wife as, at a minimum, unable to manage his household and therefore questionable in terms of leading a ministry. You may be looked upon by some as unqualified, particularly given the recent nature of the separation.
Third, elders and pastors have concerns. They have struggles. Sometimes what is important to us (sometimes what is VERY important to us) are not important to them. It is not that they do not care, but that they also have issues that consume their daily lives.
But more importantly, I believe (strongly) that churches need to disciple their own people and equip those under their care to evangelism. Churches should not depend on others to accomplish those things that God has placed as their responsibility. If you are not a member of that church then they have no reason to reply. If you are a member of that church, then they probably should take the time to know you and your doctrine before supporting you (my church has a policy that members cannot lead or teach until they have been members for a is important that churches take the time to examine those they choose to support).