drfuss, it would appear you've taken my intent and twisted it a bit, apparently just to be adversarial. You ask,
Should this include pastors also? If so, how long should the pastor's term be?
To begin with, I've never belonged to a church where the pastor counted the money; second, the Lord puts his men where he wants them and shame on any church that runs one off prematurely or otherwise established a specified term;
I have been attending church since 1972 (which is when I asked the Lord to save me) and over the many years I've come to realize that some of the most vicious people in the world are often members of Baptist Churches.
My wife and I attended a church affiliated with the SBC for five years. Each and every business meeting turned into a war zone due to all the special interests. Things got so bad that people started dying. We left.
The Lord is long suffering as shown in, Lam 3:32, But though he cause grief, yet will he have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies.
All too often members of Baptist Churches have absolutely no compassion and from the topic of this thread, this woman had no compassion at all.
Members of Baptist Churches are their own worst enemies and never seem to see it. All too often though they sit back and point the fingers at the rest of the world.
...should the pastor have a term limit? I suppose that if he's a thief, or a womanizer, or prays the rosary, then perhaps a Term Limit would work. Otherwise, what a silly question you ask.