Churches cannot lose their tax exemption. They can lose their 501c3 letter but their tax exemption is not dependent on that letter. Churches have a specific exemption in the tax code. Other non profit entities do not.
It's very easy to change that. Multiple ways from outright removing from the tax code, to eroding it away with "except when's" embedded in massive bills that have to be passed to know what's in them.
Unless God intervenes, a some point churches will be classified as any other public entity that handles money. May not happen within my lifetime. Look what's happened already with regards to Christian beliefs in ObamaCare. Look at the pressure that's being applied to the Boy Scouts and they are a private organization.
The topic of "churches" seems to be the focus in this conversaton. But, IMO, it goes far beyond that. Yes, churches can quit performing marriage ceremonies. Meaning that a pastor cannot stand before a couple within those walls. With the implication being that he can still do that in a private home.
However, what happens when a church loses it's special exemption and still pays a salary to a pastor? If a church cannot say no to a marriage that is against nature, can the pastor they pay also say no? Can a clerk in a drugstore refuse to sell anything health related based on religious principles?
Folks, Christian religious freedom is being phased out of this country. Last night we participated in communion at our church. Followed by an "open to the community meal" and more. How long will it be before we must also observe practices of other religions, as well? If we have a communion service must we also offer xyz pagan practice? In order to....
To retain our tax status?
To keep our doors open to the public?
To pay our pastor?
To have health care coverage for church staff?
To ... anything else the FEDERAL government uses to put its nose under the wall of the tent?
Edit: I had not read this when I wrote this post. Link is from another thread.
Judge Rules Christian facility cannot ban same-sex civil union ceremony on its own premises
OCEAN GROVE, New Jersey, January 13, 2012, ( - A New Jersey judge ruled against a Christian retreat house that refused to allow a same-sex civil union ceremony to be conducted on its premises, ruling the Constitution allows “some intrusion into religious freedom to balance other important societal goals.”