Wow - you seem to know so much about us. Why do you assume that we're doing nothing?
You can't see from that one picture all of the ministry that has happened here. Know that at this moment, in this photograph, one woman there who is in the front raising her hands was JUST dumped by her fiance (and this is yet another ministry opportunity God has laid before us). Another person is a recovering alcoholic and praises God with such utter abandon that it's a testimony to ME. Another is a single mom who we've worked on her home quite a bit - even running over to her house in the middle of our small group because she had a flood and we ended up singing praise songs while we were wet/dry vacuuming her basement - and fixing other stuff that we didn't know about until we got there. Oh and it was one couple's 30th anniversary that night and that is how they spent it.
Right next door to us in this new building is DDI - which is a day respite place for special needs adults and we will be meeting with them to see how we can minister to them. We will also be going to the other businesses around us to see how we can minister to them as well. We may just start out with bringing them lunch.
We have just had the ceiling painted in this warehouse this week and there were some issues of it not being cleaned up well issues because of the way it was handled by my husband, the guy from the company told him "You know, when you open here, let me know. I want to know more."
There is a ministry nearby (about 20 minutes from here) who DAILY feeds many homeless or destitute and we've been working with them to entertain the kids while they are waiting on long lines to get food (they have hundreds show up each day) with their parents (and the parents are so grateful). I also found a group of people who crochet and knit and had a case of hats/scarves/mittens sent over to them in addition to buying out the entire hat/scarf/mitten/winter coat rack at Old Navy. Now that we know that there is this kind of need, we'll definitely be doing more with them and I'm looking to see if any of our people in the whole church know how to knit or crochet for this project and we'll ask people to donate yarn for the cause.
We will also be in touch with the social worker at the local elementary school again once we're in (because we're not currently meeting in this community) to see how we can minister to the kids who need it the most. We'd love to be able to give those kids who have free lunches backpacks filled with food to take home on the weekend. We have to work out the details with the school though. We've already been dealing with another elementary school in the area and have provided Thanksgiving baskets and Christmas gifts to their neediest kids.
Finally, once this place is built and opened, we will hopefully be offering free art classes to the community (my daughter is a certified art teacher and the district dropped art due to budget cuts) and maybe after school tutoring if we can get it set up. We have already used it for a lot of counseling ministry because it seems that God is leading people to us who are broken. It's been wonderful to have a location to meet them at other than Starbucks! We currently meet in a hotel and that's just not conducive to talking someone down from a drug addiction.
So yes, in this case, this is a bunch of people worshipping God in a warehouse and spending 2 hours in prayer for specific needs and general needs for our congregation and community. But we already reach further than that. About 1/3 of our congregation was not walking with the Lord when we started 3.5 years ago.
Is that good enough?
Oh and apparently you can't see in the picture the fact that they are not staring at a wall but the words to the song we were singing.