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Cindy Sheehan's Bizarre Encampment

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by KenH, Aug 9, 2005.


    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    Bush wants division he needs division it keeps his
    base inflamed..he could have taken care of this
    from day one and she would have gone off with her
    politics. But the things really burned me on this
    was the orchestrated smear of a mother who was
    a Loving mother to Casey that is without question
    and we can all agree about that.

    1.She was and is one excellent Mom/Mother as evident in her sons bio..eagle scout, church
    youth leader,soldier who believed the initial
    truths about the war but then were knocked down
    and now his mother is his voice and she at least
    deserves that right.
    2.She was shown the ditch and much to the glee of
    drudge parrots...she did not deserve it...period.

    3. The campaign against her is now calling her
    a terrible name "Media XXXXX" again back to point
    one ..she deserves better..all these attacks are
    coming from people who are experienced at political hits and are right wing ideological men
    lets not kid ourselves the way you destroy a messenger is to go after them and it means unethical and immoral acts to do so. You may not
    agree with her politics but she was an excellent
    mother and does not deserve being called a XXXXX{prostitute).

    So I continue to see the smell of drudge and the
    genesis of his smear and it has spread throughout
    talk radio and Fox news.

    to push back and be fair on the "media xxxxx" issue I will link to the conservative red state
    blog and let them try to spin out of it.

    Red States explanation of media xxxxx

    In my book , she has proven, she is a voice
    for her lost son...she was and is and excellent Mom.

    To many lines have been crossed to show a Mother the ditch and be called a "media xxxxx"

    to the bullys I say "Back Off!"
  2. Dragoon68

    Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    So now, is "prostitute" a more acceptable word than that which we previously so quickly banished on another thread because it was deemed offensive to some?

    I don't know what kind of mother she is. That's not being judged by those who disagree with here message. It is the message itself that's being challenged.

    The definition applied to her by some is prefaced with the adjective "media" which modifies the meaning of the word used by itself. Both words, in this context, are terms for somebody who is regarded as willing to set aside principles and personal integrity in order to obtain something for selfish motives.

    That's exactly what this lady has been doing and that's why she's been so labeled. She seeks vengeance for her son's death and blames the President personally for it. That is wrong regardless whether she is truly in grief or not and regardless of her political views about the war.
  3. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    1) Are you saying that Mrs. Sheehan is an event staged by Karl Rove? :eek:

    2) I thought you Leftists believed in the first amendment. I guess if Leftists don't agree with someone that they demand that he shut up.
  4. Dragoon68

    Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    1) Are you saying that Mrs. Sheehan is an event staged by Karl Rove? :eek:

    2) I thought you Leftists believed in the first amendment. I guess if Leftists don't agree with someone that they demand that he shut up.
    </font>[/QUOTE]It's always interesting how quickly they want - even demand - the other side to stop expressing their ideas!
  5. church mouse guy

    church mouse guy Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2002
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    Evidently, Mrs. Sheehan cannot express an idea without resorting to dirty language.
  6. carpro

    carpro Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2004
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    He has already met with her personally. Now she wants another meeting for the sake of publicity.

    He's spent enough time with her. She's not as special as she thinks she is.. Should should have said whatever it was that was on her mind when she had the chance.

    But there were no cameras or reporters there , were they? ;)
  7. StraightAndNarrow

    StraightAndNarrow Active Member

    Dec 24, 2003
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    Maybe she also arranged for her son to be killed so she could become "a full time operative." Your's is a ridiculous statement.
  8. church mouse guy

    church mouse guy Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2002
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    Of course, she did not "arrange" for her son to be killed.

    Look at the facts:

    1. These Democrats are behind her by a letter: John Conyers, Jr.; Goerge Miller; Maxine Waters; Corrine Brown; Dennis Kucinich; Carolyn Maloney; Jim McDermott; Jim McGovern; Barbara Lee; Zoe Lofgren; James Oberstar; John Lewis; Bernard Sanders; Bob Filner; Mike Honda; Raul Grijalva; Jan Schakowsky; Carolyn Cheeks Kilpartick; Frank Pallone; Major Owens; Xavier Becerra; Lynn Woolsey; Danny Davis; Jerrold Nadler; Elijah Cummings; Hilda Solis; Gwen Moore; John Olver; Pete Stark; Sam Farr; Julia Carson; Sheila Jackson Lee; Daine Watson; Chris Van Hollen; Lloyd Doggett; Betty McCollum; Henry Waxman; and Peter DeFazio

    2. I think she testified for Conyers in D.C. at anti-war hearings.

    3. She has written a dozen editorials published by the anti-war wing of the Libertarian Party.

    4. She has spoken at numerous rallies.

    5. She has a tax-exempt 501-c-3.

    6. The event at Crawford was long planned and included a tent. This causes extra problems for the President's security.

    7. She has met with Bush.

    8. She has met with the National Security Adviser and the deputy Chief of Staff at her tent.

    9. She accuses Bush of lying about WMDs even though Clinton has said that he thought they were there. And she has called Bush a liar on the terrorist connections between Iraq and Al-Qadea even though documents discovered in Iraq prove the connection.

    10. She has said that her son died so that Bush and his oil-company executive friends could get rich and that is the reason for the war in that we are imperialistic.

    11. She has used foul language to the point that if you are going to quote her on this board or in polite society, you have to censor her. And by the way, she is a Catholic worker and she may represent devout Catholic objections to the war as outlined by the late Pope John Paul II, which are along the lines that Mrs. Sheehan attacks on also. However, I only say for sure that she is a member of the religious left and may be only generally aware that The Vatican is against the USA in Iraq.

    12. She says that she is never going to pay taxes again and that, if the IRS comes after her, she is going to make the trial revolve around the issue of the war.

    So I think that she is insincere in wanting to meet again the President, who has graciously expressed public sympathy for her and her loss, because she has called him some very bad names--showing disrespect for the office of the President.

    So I disagree with you 100%, Straight&Narrow. Mrs. Sheehan is working hand and glove with the Democrat Congressman listed above.

    Straight&Narrow, there is such a thing as a political funeral. Shakespeare wrote a whole play about one, Julius Caesar. Mark Anthony used the funeral of Julius Caesar to stir up the mob in Rome and gain time until he could raise an army to defend himself in the civil war. Allied with Augustus, Anthony survived the first round of the civil war but eventually fell in a bid for the top for himself. So political funerals are very old.

    She has harmed her own cause with her dirty languange.

    [ August 14, 2005, 11:29 PM: Message edited by: church mouse guy ]
  9. emeraldctyangel

    emeraldctyangel New Member

    Jun 11, 2005
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    If youre going to be technical, at least refer to them as they are. They are not flag draped coffins, they are transfer cases for the mortally wounded. We do not put our dead into coffins until Mortuary Affairs has completed their tasks and released the decendent to the family to carry out final wishes. The prohibition of showing them on television was done in the first Bush administration, (you remember him...his Father? Former President George H.W. Bush?)

    Personally, I agree with the ban. Why on earth would you ever want to sit in your comfy chair and watch THAT on television? My stars!

    At the very least, I expect the President to be President. I do not expect him to sit around with a stack of Hallmark cards expressing how sorry he personally is or playing 'Martha Stewart visits the Whitehouse' to hold a grand wake. It is the general consenus that he does have sympathy for the men and women whose lives came to an end while doing what we are supposed to do, at his order. If anyone knows the utter seriousness that comes with the job, it is the President. To imply otherwise is simply pulling at strings that arent there. What has the President done that would ever imply that he has not an ounce of sympathy for those that fight and die in this war?

    Ive said in other posts, this campaign of stupidity Ms. Sheehan is on wont bring her son back. And for her to act in such a way, she brings discredit on her son. God rest his soul.

    I lost my son too. Odd thing is, nobody makes me walk in a ditch or anywhere I dont wish too. But then again, I am not shouting at the rain about losing my son either.

    My loss hardly means I am extra special and deserving of a life of dictating. She would not be reduced to camping or walking in ditches if she would get on with her real life. This campaign? Nothing but a blurry distraction from grief. She will never get over the loss of her son, but she wont be black with grief forever. The load does lighten. I guess in the way that some drink alcohol or cover their pain with drugs, this is how she intends on coping. Sad. She should pray more.

    </font>[/QUOTE]Thanks for your watered down support. Ive been fighting this 'war' for 12 years now in uniform and I can see a day when terrorism will see it's demise. Freedom, that you on another day will proclaim to be the best gift in this world, will always prevail. I just dont see how a troop of Cindy Shehans will help.
  10. emeraldctyangel

    emeraldctyangel New Member

    Jun 11, 2005
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    Yes, she started Gold Star Families for Peace - after her son died. </font>[/QUOTE]Well I hope so. We usually connotate blue stars for those serving and gold for those who have died.
  11. emeraldctyangel

    emeraldctyangel New Member

    Jun 11, 2005
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    No? But I bet she sure spends that 300,000 dollar SGLI (life insurance) and other entitlements that are awarded to the next of kin upon the death of a service member. (That is your tax dollars ladies and gentlemen.)
  12. Daisy

    Daisy New Member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    1) I was spelling out what the gsfp in gsfp.org stood for.

    2) All those who claim Mrs. Sheehan is exploiting her son's death for her own agenda haven't shown that she was active in the antiwar movement prior to his death. Did Amber's parents exploit their child to further their agenda to get missing child alert laws passed? Did John Walsh exploit his son Adam's death by parlaying it into a TV career? Did Megan's parents exploit their child's aduction and murder by getting Megan's law passed?
  13. carpro

    carpro Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2004
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    1) I was spelling out what the gsfp in gsfp.org stood for.

    2) All those who claim Mrs. Sheehan is exploiting her son's death for her own agenda haven't shown that she was active in the antiwar movement prior to his death.
    </font>[/QUOTE]Why does anyone have to?
  14. Songbird

    Songbird New Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    Not being a mom myself may disqualify me. But I can't get past the fact that her son signed up to defend his country. It's all there in black and white in the oath. They are not promised that they will serve in times of peace. They know the risks. Why didn't she prevent him from enlisting?

    I'm sorry if this sounds unsympathetic. That's not my intention. I pray she comes to the Lord through all this and finds her strength and comfort in Him.

    I pray for this country, president, and the resolution to this war. There's a gentleman that is a member of our church. He returned about a year ago from the Middle East. My dh and I sat and talked w/him about the war and Pres. Bush. It was great to get a soldier's perspective. He told us that most that are serving realize that the war won't end overnite and most are supportive of Pres. Bush.

    Pray for wisdom!

    Take care.

  15. church mouse guy

    church mouse guy Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    May 23, 2002
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    1) I was spelling out what the gsfp in gsfp.org stood for.

    2) All those who claim Mrs. Sheehan is exploiting her son's death for her own agenda haven't shown that she was active in the antiwar movement prior to his death. Did Amber's parents exploit their child to further their agenda to get missing child alert laws passed? Did John Walsh exploit his son Adam's death by parlaying it into a TV career? Did Megan's parents exploit their child's aduction and murder by getting Megan's law passed?
    </font>[/QUOTE]And will Mrs. Sheehan with her dirty language get Bush impeached and imprisoned and get the Democrat Party back in power by winning the elections of 2008?
  16. ShagNappy

    ShagNappy Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Oh, this cracks me up. You delete a supposed personal attack by Mike but let MRSSHEEHANSPAL flame anyone and everyone and don't touch his posts. Your bias is showing.

    BTW MRSHEEHANSPAL, you send me another flame PM and I will out your worthless hide.
  17. emeraldctyangel

    emeraldctyangel New Member

    Jun 11, 2005
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    Agree with Shag. Had to laugh at the play on the screen name and I expect many posts to follow over how unChristian like it is to pervert the good name of a poster on a discussion board
    Daisy, make some sense. She was not active in the anti war movement before her son's death? Or she was?

    Linda is right. He did sign up to be all he could be, on his own. If she were such a great dissenter of war, why on earth would she sit quietly and I suspect proudly, until the death of her son? The problem with your argument is this: Had she felt so motivated to tell the world this is wrong, she should have done so when she had the chance to fight for something - her son. To me that is like playing with matches and claiming after the fire, that they should be outlawed.

    The people you mentioned, the one's you claim exploited the deaths of their children killed by monsters, took up a cause worth fighting AND they made appropriate changes to laws to further revent this from happening to anyone else...you know for the common good? They didnt camp out anywhere, they didnt show their backsides on televisions, they didnt resort to slander and hate. They quietly and persistently worked to make changes in a respectful way. So pardon me while I laugh at the tactics of this throw back from Woodstock. In a few months, she will be so far departed from reality, even the news cameras wont power up for her. I give her till January.
  18. carpro

    carpro Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2004
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    You are not disqualified. This charade of Sheehan's has long since gone past the agrieved mother stage.

    It is now pure politics.
  19. Songbird

    Songbird New Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    I haven't kept up too much w/her shennigan's. But if 1/2 of what she's doing is true (i.e. profanity, etc.), why should any respectful person (i.e. Pres. Bush) want to meet w/her if she can't act like a decent human being. Sounds like the heat is getting to her. lol

    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    God is close to the brokenhearted


    Republican Grandmother has something to say

    But on Friday, Comley's grandmother, 80-year-old Geraldine Comley of Versailles, described herself in an interview as a former Republican stalwart who is "on a rampage" against the president and the war.

    She said she would like nothing better than to join Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a fallen soldier who has been holding a peace vigil outside President Bush's ranch in Texas.

    "When someone gets up and says 'My son died for our freedom,' or I get a sympathy card that says that, I can hardly bear it," Geraldine Comley said.

    She said her view, developed before her grandson's death, is that Bush pushed for war because Iraqi President Saddam Hussein had tried to assassinate the first President Bush, and to get control of Mideast oil.

    "And it irritates me no small amount that Dick Cheney, in the Vietnam War, said he had 'other priorities,'" Geraldine Comley said. "He didn't mind sending my grandson over there" to Iraq.

    She said "it broke my heart" when Chase Comley joined the Marines, but he told her that recruiters said he probably would be stationed in Hawaii or Japan.

    =I think it is extremely important to listen
    to Mothers and Grandmothers regardless of political affiliations, Their voices should always
    be respected and never shown the ditch.
