I know you are Baptist, not Muslim, but you do match some of their attitudes towards women.
Addressing women here since you've loaded so many issues into a comment:
The Muslims treat women as property. Christians treat women as women.
What is a woman? The definition of a woman can be found in only 1 place, and that is God's Holy Word.
A woman is defined especially in Proverbs 31, and you can kick against the pricks in Prov 31 all day long, but the fact is that a woman is one that:
-takes care of her children and family
-works in her household
-Cooks and cleans for her family
-Instructs the children in Godliness
-Works on in-home businesses when possible
Secondly addressing your quote here:
That women shouldn't work at all is a pretty bizarre stance to make.
I wouldn't dare say that a wife taking care of her home is not work. A wife raising kids is raising the next generation of Christians hopefully. That fact that you took the stance that this "isn't work at all" shows that you've swallowed the Feminist ideology hook, line, sinker, spool and pole. Feminism tries to make women more like men. My wife works her tail off in the kitchen cooking meals for our family and baking goods for Church members that are in need. She also is the first line of instruction to the kids and homeschools the children. On top of that she assists in running our farm by handling public inquiries, helping butcher poultry and livestock, answering our phones and email and more.
For people of the Feminist persuasion to call that "not work" is entirely disrespectful and evident of a warped world view. My wife absolutely hates Feminists and Feminist acolytes who devalue her God-ordered role as a homemaker as "not working". A woman in the home raising the next generation of Christians while running a family-based home business is infinitely better than a woman sitting in a 9 to 5 office job and that is by God's definition of better, not mine.