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Civil War

What side would you have joined?

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Dr. Bob

LOL! It does sound like work, Daisy! But we actually do little moderating here and allow most words to stand!

If an 1860 condemnation of Lee was quoted, I would not touch it (unless so vulgar as to violate modern sensibilities).

Editting Sherman to say, "War is heck" just is not right!!

Major B

<img src=/6069.jpg>
Bottom line, in a conventional war, logistics and manpower will usually triumph. The tactics employed by Grant resemble in a way the tactics used by Zhukov, et. al. The German Army was buried with piles of Russian bodies, Russian Tanks, and American supplies.

The South was a glorious lost cause, but as Shelby Foote said, the North never brought their full industrial and manpower might to bear, even in the end. "The North fought with one hand tied behind its back...".

Had the South resorted to guerilla tactics, it probably would still have lost in the long run, because guerilla tactics require a worldview which can sustain horrendous casualties without blinking.

Dr. Bob

Lee had that option, but refrained. He had too much love for the remnants of his army to see them slowly hunted down and slaughtered. And the men had too much character to resort to the guerilla tactic.

Sadly, he was misguided into thinking that the North would act with chivalry and honor. Instead he got the horrors of "reconstruction".



<b> 7,000 posts club</b>
Jeff Davis, on the other hand, actually preferred that option, and James Davis suggests that Lee and Breckenridge in essence schemed against Jeff Davis to surrender the Army of Northern Virginia to prevent a guerrilla war.


New Member
Daisy, Bob Griffin
"and there must be plenty of them with the approximate meaning, he would not have been yelled at?"
Simple practical test.
Harriet Beecher Stowe, nikkerlover

Jeff Weaver

New Member
Jeff Davis, on the other hand, actually preferred that option, and James Davis suggests that Lee and Breckenridge in essence schemed against Jeff Davis to surrender the Army of Northern Virginia to prevent a guerrilla war.
Now Stephen.

I don't think that Lee or Breckenridge schemed, they just saw things a bit differently. Lee had far more popular support than PResident Davis did, and what ever he would have suggested would no doubt have been carried out. But Lee was a traditional military man, who consistently tried to suppress Confederate guerillas, and even tried to rein in Mosby. But there were lots of guerrillas out there, and some of them were quite good at it, in fact better than Mosby -- Mosby had better press though. The point being that the opinion of Lee and Breckenridge counted for much more than that of Mr. Davis at this point in time. The correspondence between Davis and Lee in those last days make it clear that Lee didn't withhold his opinion from Davis. They disagreed with increasing frequency as the situation around Petersburg deteriorated in the winter of 1865.


Dr. Bob

Good link, KenH. It's about time that folks (many, many conservative Christians) who have been weaned on Lincoln as "Christlike" and almost "Messianic" see the real political charlatan he was.

He is praised by Hillary because he was SO MUCH LIKE HER HUSBAND. Politically, I liken Lincoln to FDR because of his destruction of rights and expansion of federalism.

But in character he would be much closer to Clinton. And I shall start a thread on Lincoln and invite anyone with a brain to join in.

And supporters of Lincoln, too.

Daniel David

New Member
The Feds are in charge and always have been. The states swore allegiance to the U.S. Constitution. The governor of a state isn't on the same level as the president people. The south died without honor, and all who died received justice. As a person from the South my entire life, I would have been proud to protect our country from the terrorist loving south.

Daniel David

New Member
There are laws that enslave men, and laws that set them free.

With the slaughter of the south, the freedom loving North was able to set many free. At least the slaves didn't have to fear having a foot cut off because they tried to escape.

The south unfortunately had a few terrorist, errrrgggg, powermad fools in leadership.

Lee should have been hung to rot and then drug through the mud. He will forever be proof that not all military personnel have honor.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Daniel David:
Lee should have been hung to rot and then drug through the mud. He will forever be proof that not all military personnel have honor.
General Grant easn't worthy to even polish General Lee's boots.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Daniel David:
The south unfortunately had a few terrorist, powermad fools in leadership.
The CSA was fighting for freedom from the economic tyranny of the Yankees.

Yankees 1
Rebels 0



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Daniel David:
The south died without honor, and all who died received justice.
"You fought for your folks
But you didn't die in vain,
Even though you lost
They speak highly of your name.

Cuz you fought all the way, Johnny Reb, Johnny Reb,
You fought all the way, Johnny Reb." (M. Kilgore)



New Member
Originally posted by Daniel David:
Lee should have been hung to rot and then drug through the mud. He will forever be proof that not all military personnel have honor.
I'm proud to call "The Old Man" a hero!

Robert E. Lee is no doubt one of the most respected figures on the stage of human history. The love, admiration and respect given to this man is universal. He was loved by his soldiers, revered by his peers, respected by his enemies, and even his former slaves and servants cherished the time they were given to be with him. Posterity has placed Robert E. Lee in a unique position as one of the most respected men who ever lived.




Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Daniel David:
As a person from the South my entire life, I would have been proud to protect our country from the terrorist loving south.
As a person from the South my entire life, I would have been proud to protect my country - the Confederate States of America - from the racist, tyrannical Yankee invaders.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by NetPublicist:
Posterity has placed Robert E. Lee in a unique position as one of the most respected men who ever lived.
Amen. Anyone who thinks otherwise is, frankly, either exhibiting gross ignorance or blind hatred.


[ May 28, 2004, 10:10 PM: Message edited by: KenH ]

Daniel David

New Member
Originally posted by KenH:
General Grant easn't worthy to even polish General Lee's boots.
You're right. The winners are actually inferior to the losers. Perhaps I should remind you which side won again. It was the USA.

You see, it wasn't North vs South. It was the USA vs the South.

The North was preserving the country.