Originally posted by Daniel David:
The Feds are in charge and always have been.
This represents a fundamental lack of understanding of or the origin of the US government. The states formed the US government to be its agent, not its master. The states existed as separated sovereignties prior to the existence of a US government.
The states swore allegiance to the U.S. Constitution. [/QB]
When did this happen? The states delegated certain authority to the US government, but certainly never intended it to be a master/servant role.
The governor of a state isn't on the same level as the president people. [/QB]
The governors are counterparts of the preseident. both oare chief executives in thier own territory. The fact that the federal government has usurped more and more power over the years does not make this usurpation legitimate. Nor should we applaud this situation. This usurpation has led to such abominations as Roe v Wade (which the states should refuse to acknowledge), the removal of the 10 Commandments in Alabama's Supreme Court Building, the removal of God from the schools, and the edict that the states cannot pass laws prohibiting sodomy. None of these things would have been possible if not for the invasion of the Southern states and the re-writing of the Constitution.
The south died without honor, and all who died received justice. [/QB]
What could be more honorable than the defense of personal property and the defense of your native homeland? This shows a fundamental ignorance of the truth of history.
As a person from the South my entire life, I would have been proud to protect our country from the terrorist loving south. [/QB]
Nothing is more pathetic than the self-hatred of your own region. How exactly was the South "terrorist loving"? If you look to the North, you will see terrorist tactics, such as those exemplified by the modern terrorists---namely the attack of innocent citizens. Sherman burned down entire cities. Sheridan burned the Shenandoah Valley, thereby starving thousands of people. Sherman's troops raped and murdered countless people--both black and white. Lincoln, meanwhile, played the part of dictator quite well, imprisoning an estimated 30,000 political opponents---including prominent legislators, newspaper editors who dared to criticize his politces, and the grandson of the man who wrote the Star Spangled Banner. Where is the honor in that?