One of Trump's biggest failings was his mishandling of Covid. He came over as not caring and not fully convinced of its fatal power!
This is a hindsight issue.
Initially President Trump said millions could die and the Democrats said he was fear-mongering.
Trump worked with American companies to expedite a vaccine and the Democrats said he was foolish to think a vaccine would be produced within a year.
Trump implemented a plan to produce ventilators (I do not know the extent to which there was really a shortage, but he had them produced and supplied to hospitals).
What Trump did not do is shut down the nation (something that he could not legally do anyway). Trump did not make a national mask mandate (again, something that he could not legally do).
I have less a problem about his administration policies than I have with his personality and ego. Right now there are anti-American Republicans storming the White House demanding the Constitution be ignored in this case. These are Trump supporters but he will not address this because they feed his ego.
The problem with Trump is not his policies but that he is his own priority.
In our nation we have two great evils - the GOP and the DNC. One is really no better than the other. The DNC is the party of racism and the GOP is the party of greed. The Democrats will ALWAYS push for social inequality and advocate racism because that is where they derive their power. The Republicans will ALWAYS push for economic inequality because this is where they derive their power.
The DNC will toss you a small float with a hole in it, and keep on doing so, to keep you from drowning as they lead you away from the ship. The GOP will tell you the ship is a few miles north and if you swim there you'll be safe.