Winman....why lie?
like I said to you the other day...I offered you scripture from a greek rejected it then , you reject it now.
Your posts are full of error...I do not have to smear anything,,,just respond to your error.
Good job Iconoclast, but I do believe you are wasting your time, as he does carry much theological error.
That we defend the nature of God against false teaching among Baptists is simply mind-boggling.
The problem with winman is he is using proof-texting yet again. He thinks as long as he can point to a verse and read what it says, then he's right. It all boils down to knowing what it means, not just what it says (which is generally where it stops with winman), and interpreting Scripture in light of dogma.
Please take note that much of what winman teaches (not what the Bible teaches) continues to degrade the Godhead and nature of God (as he has done with Omniscience, Sovereignty, and now saying God has a sin nature, as seen throughout severall threads here) and on the other hand exalts mans goodness (as he does opposed to many Scriptures showing the lost state of man and how God views lost man). This is exactly what he is doing here again, and all of this is a huge red flag warning.
Here is Dogma: God is sinlessly perfect, in Him is no darkness at all, not even a chance of sin. See James 1:17 for instance.
Does God have a sin nature? Absolutely not. Is Christ God? He most certainly is.
The Scriptures say, John 1:14 the Word became flesh, (not "the Word became sin nature") and dwelt among us.
To say He, very God, had a sin nature is blasphemy.
I find it humorous the chief leader of the groupies came here to defend them saying they never said He had a sin nature, that if "we" would just "read through the thread" we'd see it.
Baloney. Like I said. :thumbsup:
I was correct again. They
plainly teach this error. :wavey:
Anyhow, is there anything in the nature of God that contains a sin element or possibility to sin? Not at all.
These folks who are in error, such as winman, find a proof-text and attempt to erase established truth (dogma) with it. This is the same protocol of cults. The Christadelphians, SDA, Watchtower, all of these also proof-text, and the Christadelphians also espouse and propagate winmans error. This is not Baptist teaching, and it is not Bible teaching.