The student:
The district spokesman:
From Fox News, the composer of the song:
What the part of the song translates to that the student objected to:
How does that translation mesh up with what the composer says? Because islam isn't just a religion; it's a way of life. You don't just practice islam for religious reasons; it is the way you live your life, it is the foundation of everything you do and say.
The student:
“I don’t want to come across as a bigot or a racist, but I really don’t feel it is appropriate for students in a public high school to be singing an Islamic worship song,” Harper told NewsChannel 5.
The district spokesman:
“This is about bringing diversity to the students and showing them other things that are out there,” spokesman Jeff Kirtland said. “The teacher was open with the parents and students do not have to participate in this voluntary club choir.”
From Fox News, the composer of the song:
Rahman, who has sold hundreds of millions of records and is well-known in his homeland, has said the song is not intended for a worship ceremony.
What the part of the song translates to that the student objected to:
one verse translates to "There is no truth except Allah" and "Allah is the only eternal and immortal."
How does that translation mesh up with what the composer says? Because islam isn't just a religion; it's a way of life. You don't just practice islam for religious reasons; it is the way you live your life, it is the foundation of everything you do and say.