Exactly. Each generation of scholarship owes a debt to those who have gone before. While we insist that doctrine be built upon Scripture alone we also engage commentators and theologies to learn of their understandings and teachings as well as to test our interpretations and applications of God’s Word.I believe that we should consider the Holy Spirit inspired text, 2 Tim. 3:16, specifically of Eph. 4:11ff and not discount the men of God whom He has placed in the body to teach.
Some have a penchant to malign these men, and then in turn call those who enjoy them as not getting their teachings from Scripture but only from men, a system, accusations that go to seed and ad nauseum. James 4:11 should be considered when one speaks derogatorily toward men who deserve double honor, 1 Timothy 5:17, and of those who employ them, note James 3:9.
Those who belittle such men of the past, and toward those who employ them I have little to no room for. The behavior is arrogant and unbiblical. In the multitude of counselors is safety, Proverbs 24:6. To say that I am discounting the Holy Spirit here would be a misnomer, for it is He who has placed such men in the church to teach. There is also His ministry to the individually, and personally, but Scriptures speak much more often of those men whom God has sent to others to teach them, and to whom others learn. It is all over Scripture and is safe.
An interesting aside, ever notice that those who do belittle these things rarely use Scriptures in their rebuttal, but employ much ideology and theory? Look around and see this is true brothers.
That is why through our interactions I have place so much emphasis on Scripture. We may turn to commentary, but we have to both start and end with the Word of God when it comes to our faith. But that is also why I’ve quoted men like Calvin, Owen, and Gill all the way to more contemporary men like F.F. Bruce, Joel Beeke, and J.I. Packer. Theology is not done in a vacuum. We do not take commentary as authoritative, but we have much to learn from these men.
You do have good points. I was unaware that there were some who refused to use Scripture while also denying the value of these scholars (I'm not accusing you of a "straw man argument" here, brother, but I have not seen this happen on this forum). Most people seem to have both Scripture and a few extra-biblical supports on their side.
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