As a dog owner....
I just watched a 30 second commercial on the ASPCA. It was a well know actor pitching for poor mistreated dogs. I see these commercials everyday and they are numerous. So why don't we even see one commercial showing pictures of ultrasound babies in the womb with an actor pitching for someone to save them from the abortion doctor?
Maybe dogs and cats are more precious in America? Food for though.
I appreciate those ads. However, I completely agree with you about abortion! I think the reason they do this for pets is because too many people would be convicted about the abortion issue, and we certainly wouldn't want to offend, convict, challenge, question, or judge everything from birth control pills to abortion, at any term! Saving a little kitten or abused puppy is so rewarding. And it really is. I have had mostly rescue pets, and felt like I did my part in helping to put some end to animal abuse and the needless killing of abandoned pets!
If people would merely neuter their pets. But that is for another post!
We kill more babies by way of abortion than any war has ever killed! However, we don't see the "Peaceniks" out carry signs and protecting with sit-ins about killing babies!
We live in a maladjusted world. A world with morals that are selective and adjusted to making money, and appease the hearts and minds of those we need to demonstrate toleration towards; and political correctness to.
How many folks would want to know the truth about birth control pills causing a natural physical abortion every month? The shrinks would be working 24/7 to counsel all those who have been misled for a lifetime of medical miracles, which is what they refer to birth control pills as! Believe me, I am guilty for encouraging my wife to use BCP's, but I never had the truth to make a clear and solidly morla decision! Still, I was as bad as those who never told us!:tear:
For those who will question my comments, here is a place to start!