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Common Ground Coffee House #100!!!!

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jul 21, 2006.

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  1. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    Sounds like you're flirtin' to me.:tongue3:

    Tsk*Tsk*Tsk* I'd be flattered if I didn't know that you just want to cuddle with Sean.

    *SIGH* stood up for a baby. I'll cry later.

    No matter how hard I try, I just can't picture you in a panic. This is the 1st time it's happened...right?

    Morning everybody,

    Now that I got my daily tease out of the way.

    Hot and humid here today, and I've got yard work to do-go figure.

    Sean has physical therapy today. So I'll have to bring him in later.

    Sorry Sue, no matter how hard I try I just can't get a picture to post. I've tried everything. I wanted to make a picture of Sean and I to be my Post Picture, but I just can't get it to download from my computer. Maybe somebody who isn't an id-ten-t like me (computer jargon-id-ten-t = ID10T) can give me some hints.

    BTW I'm celebrating today. I made my 1000th post yesterday. I know it's small potatoes when I look at the 3000 & 4000 post club members, but I'm happy with it.

    Well the yard work isn't going to do itself. I'm taking a pitcher of lemonaide with me so I can stop every so often to make sure it doesn't get warm(that's my excuse and I'm stickin' with it).

    I'll check back in later.

    #241 Friend of God, Aug 12, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2006
  2. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good Morning Everyone!

    Yes Sue, it not only seems to quiet in the house without the kids, IT IS TOO QUIET! The cat agrees with me. She stayed on top of me all day yesterday. If I sat down, she sat with me, if was up cleaning, she was pouncing on my feet or swatting my hands. The guinea pigs even squeaked at me every time they heard me walking or rustiling a bag. Of course I obliged them by giving them carrots, so that might have had something to do with it.

    Today is going to busy too. We had some excitement last night. T came to bed and discovered the lights in the master bath and bedroom weren't working. After waking me and doing some investigating we discovered that our brand new light fixture in the bathroom was throwing the breaker. Once it was disconnected everything else worked fine. So that has to go back today and we have to find a replacement. And I really liked this one. :(

    That was at midnight. At 3 Cassie woke me up because the dogs were howling. A thunder storm was rolling in. :rolleyes: Poor, poor doggies. (hear the sarcasm?)

    Then too, we haven't been able to find a shower curtain rod that suits us. We finally found one online that we like, only it's over in B'ham.

    There are no groceries in the house, cause I didn't go yesterday thinking we could go today and the kids could decide for themselves what they wanted in their lunchboxes. They are already complaining about the school lunches.

    On top of everything, one side of my face began hurting yesterday and shooting pain through the top of my head. At first I thought I had a bad tooth, but it hasn't been that long since I saw the dentist and my teeth were fine. No way I could suddenly have bad teeth on both top and bottom. Finally figured out I have something sinusy going on. When I lay down or move suddenly then I really have trouble. Strange thing is that I don't feel bad, just tired. Of course after having my sleep interupted twice, I kinda expect to be tired.

    If'n I don't get back before this evening or tomorrow, ya'll don't worry. It's just going to be one of those days.......
  3. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 18, 2005
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    Good Morning Everybody,

    Helloooooo.........Wow, there's quite an echo in here when it's empty.

    Oh well, I brought in eggs, bacon, sausage, hashbrowns, grits(for you Southern folks), and bisquits for breakfast. Coffee is made, and water is hot for tea. Enjoy everybody!

    We're visiting a new church today. It's a SBC church in Jackson(20 miles N of us). We've visited before, and we're really thinking of changing churches. If we do change to a Southern Baptist Church will that make us "Honorary Southerners"?

    Can't bring Sean in today. He has a cold and I don't want to spread it around.

    I'll try to pop in after we get home from church.
    #243 Friend of God, Aug 13, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2006
  4. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    Rob: Can this Yankee have some grits too? They would go really good with my bacon and eggs.

    It is 64º this morning heading for a high of 84º - typical fall weather?

    It's odd how 64º seems chilly in the fall, but 64º in the spring and we put our winter clothes away!

    Gonna eat some of these good vittles and have some coffee.

  5. TaterTot

    TaterTot Guest

    Howdy yall. We had grits for supper last night.

    I aint a usual poster in these here parts, but i do read in here, so maybe that counts. I got a sick chickadee on the couch, so she and I stayed home from church. Was hoping there'd be some sloth or backslider in here who didnt go to church with which to visit. But noooooooo.....Yall bunch of goody goodies :tongue3:

    I got some "basketti" and meatballs cookin'.
  6. mcdirector

    mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    I love grits with lots of butter and salt! mmmmmmm

    Now tater! you'd better becareful there gal or someone will start talking about you not going to church ;)

    Rob -- I'm blowing Sean a kiss. Help him catch it and put it on his sweet little cheek.

    Sue, it's been kind of fall-like here the last couple of days -- wonderful!
  7. TaterTot

    TaterTot Guest

    I had a good excuse ;) Cant get the others sick ya know. :saint:

    I like grits with butter-n-sugar
  8. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 18, 2005
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    Afternoon Everybody!,

    Sue - Of course you can have some grits. I probably live farther North then you, and us Yankees gotta stick together. If they let me have 'em no reason you shouldn't have 'em too.

    Bitsy - Your aim was a little off-you hit him square on the lips. He zigged when you zagged(little stinker planned that), and then grinned from ear to ear. He remembers cuddling with you in the rocker:love2: . Wouldn't you know?, Sean misses seeing his cyber-aunts by just a few minutes.:tear:
    Grits with butter and salt, eh? I'll have to give that a try.

    We visited a different church today. It's a Southern Baptist church in Jackson (MI) called Grace Church - it's about 20 miles NE of where we live. We've visited it a few times in the past. One of the Lay-Pastors preached this morning, and had a fantastic message on Anxiety-and how Paul recommends we deal with it. The Lead Pastor has been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer, and is in the process of having more tests. Please pray for him - his name is Dr. Mike Lee. We really enjoyed the service, The Word was preached, and the people were attentive, responsive, and really friendly. We need to talk it over, but I sense God is drawing us to a new church.

    There's some breakfast left for you stragglers, but the grits took a direct hit I see. WOW!, I knew Baptists could eat but I never saw food disappear that fast.

    I'm going to spend the afternoon in my recliner, watching Sean, and the NASCAR race. That little stinker isn't happy until he gets some X's and O's in the Coffeehouse. He's still beaming over Bitsy's smooch. I got an idea that Aunt Bitsy just made her way to the head of the line, but don't worry Sean, you've got more cyber-aunts ready & willing to demonstrate how they feel about you.

    Time to go - the race is on. See y'all later( great, I eat one helping of grits and get a southern accent caught in my throat).:tongue3:
    #248 Friend of God, Aug 13, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2006
  9. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good, good....hmmm, Good Afternoon Everyone!!!!

    Kinda got confused about the time. I'm usually in here earlier than this. but......

    We've been having church!!!!!! Whooohooo! The Spirit moved this morning and I don't mean maybe!!! We had about 20 decisions made just this morning! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!

    Church was supposed to be out at 11:15...I got home at 12:45 and hadn't even realized how much time had passed. What a service!

    Since Cassie wants to go back tonight, I have to rearrange my Sunday afternoon a bit. Ya'll got that didn't you? My fourteen year old daughter wants to go to a service that we haven't attended since she was born! Before you know it my husband'll be wanting to go to church.

    I gotta git if'n I want to get around the board before I have to git around my house.

    See ya!
  10. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    Sounds like everyone (except TT) had a good Sunday. Hope your little 'tot' is feeling better.

    It is coolish, and cloudy, again today with expected thunderstorms. I'll take several months of this weather, one month of winter (around Christmas) and then back into spring please...

    Today is laundry and 'picking up around the house' day. We don't do much on week-ends. I slept from 10:00 last night to 6:30 this morning! I was tired and needed it.

    Time for breakfast.


    Hi Sean! [​IMG]
  11. mcdirector

    mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    morning all mmmmm mid morning!

    Boy did I sleep like a rock. We don't have to go in until noon today because we have open house at 7pm. I had plans to get so much done and here I am at almost 9 am just getting coffee *yawn*
  12. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    That's okay, Bitsy. Here it is after 8 o'clock and I'm still drinking coffee. :D

    At least all my kids are at school for the time being. I may have to go pick up Chris and get him a shot for this migraine. He's had it since Thursday pm with not much relief. Got rid of it for 3-4 on Saturday, but then it popped right back up. Cassie's been fighting one too, but not so severe.

    Not sure what I'm doing today except laundry that I didn't get done this weekend. A lot depends on what I have to do for Chris.

    I think I have another cup of coffee and then head out.
  13. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 18, 2005
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    Afternoon Everybody,
    Wow!, I haven't checked in this late in quite a while. We had doctors appointments this morning, then went grocery shopping.
    Sean had to go in for a fitting of his braces. That little fella is amazing. After all he's been thru and he's still a smiling, happy, baby.
    He's a spoiled(oops, well-loved) little guy, but I wouldn't trade him for anything(think he knows that?). I tell him that his cyber aunts want to see him, and fuss over him and he's all smiles. I tell him that his aunts are blowin' kisses at him, and givin' him hugs, and he just grins and grins.
    I've got to get some things done around the house, so I'll check in later.

  14. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Good morning Rob & Everyone:

    Well, it's been a few days since I've been on the BB. Thursday evening I went to my primary care physician, and most of the news there was good, praise be to God! :) He, after listening to my request for a second opinion on the continuing pain in my back and legs, is sending me for one that hopefully will not require more steroid injections and can be handled with pain medications instead of these invasive proceedures. He is also possibly going to allow for a new kind of blood testing that will tell me if I've got a Th1 disease as the underlying cause for all of these malady's. If the results of the blood tests come back positive, then I will be dressing like one of "The Family" in the Charleton Heston movie, the Omega Man. It will require me to avoid sunlight for several months to years and to avoid most or all vitamin D. I will only be able to go out at night. Yet, I've seen this treatment starting to work in my sister whom they thought had ALS, and in several others who were near death. They're now up and walking around again, and some have totally been cured. I've been studying this for a while now, and the NHI and PubMed and several other organizations are realizing that many diseases spring from this one type of microbial bacteria. If it gives me my life back, I'm all for it.

    Also, on Friday, I went to my oncologist, and he said that the last infusion made me pass out of the anemic stage and has my bone marrow now retaining the red blood cells, though not yet dispensing. This was great news, because it means that leukemia has virtually been ruled out! Again, PRAISE THE LORD!!! So, I went ahead and had my last round of infusions on Friday, and have been sick at my stomach ever since. But, it is alleviating some what today. This should start helping me to build my strength back up and to be able to walk more than 10 or 15 feet without becoming ill.

    I hope all here is going well. I miss being able to interact with everyone as much as I had before. It might be possible soon for me to be back more often. I do miss y'all and pray for y'all every day.

    Make it a great day!

    Bro. T:wavey:
  15. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 18, 2005
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    Morning Everybody,

    Tony that is fantastic news! After all the pain and suffering you've endured to find out that the root cause might be identified, and be treatable is certainly cause for joy and celebration. You've been the focus of many prayers.

    The coffee and tea are made, and I brought in hot homemade pecan rolls, and fixins for smoothies.

    Seans here and lookin' around as if to say "okay-where are they?" The swelling still hasn't gone down around his surgical site, but the doctors say it's not a cause for concern. He's getting so he "talks" when he's held or hugged now. Any experts in here on how to speak "baby"?

    Going to be a quiet day for a change(we do have them once-in-awhile). Just going to take it easy, and watch the grandkids play in the pool while we're watching Sean this morning.

    Here's to Lazy Days.:thumbs: I'll try to check back in later.

  16. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good Morning Everyone!

    Yesterday turned out to be a bust at the coffee house didn't it? I tried to get on yesterday evening but the entire BB was reeeeaaaaallllllyyyyyy sssllloooowww. After spending 4 hours at the doctor's office with Chris, getting a shot for his migraine, I just didn't have the patience to wait for the pages to load.

    Shot worked, Chris is better and back to school. I'm debating calling them once again, cause yesterday's shot might have been avoided had he not gone out in the bright sun first thing yesterday morning without his sunglasses after I specifically called and told the school nurse to make sure he wore them. :( The debate is because I know they had another kid up and pass out on them (for seemingly no reason at all) at the same time Chris would have been going to PE. The nurse probably had her hands full at that moment. But, now that I have Chris migraine free, I certainly don't want to trigger it off again. Decisions, decisions....

    Gotta full day today cause nothing got done yesterday. It was suggested that I need to mow grass too. (that was T threading on thin ice) First things first. I gotta go get the pork roast out of the freezer and toss it in the microwave to thaw. I want BBQ for supper and I forgot to take it out last night.

    Sitting here is making me think up all the things I'm supposed to be doing, I gotta go move around a bit. I'll have to finish my coffee later.

    See ya!
  17. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    I couldn't get in any earlier and there are still many people who cannot gain access to the BB.

    The reason?
    It should be a slow day.

    Great news, Tony!

    Thanks for the smoothies, Rob!

    Time for school,
  18. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Howdy Folks!

    Tony, Praise the Lord!!! for the good news!!!
    If the cause of the trouble can be found, that's a GianT step toward 'fixing' it!

    MK, How can we get that boy to remember his sunglasses? GGlad the shot helped!
    I have a piece of paper around here somewhere that has some tips for preventing migraines. I saw a Dr on TV talking about it, and wrote it down to pass on to the BB Migraine Club. Reckon I'll try to find it today, OK?

    I haven't heard anything concerning results of the Bone scan yet. I'm still wondering what they're looking at/for in the head-neck area.
  19. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    It's not Chris that has to remember. He does that fast enough when he walks outside! Sunglasses are against school rules. He has to be allowed to wear the sunglasses, but word hasn't made it down the line to the PE coach.

    I decided to wait and see how today went. Right now it is pouring down rain and clouded up a while ago, so it may not have been a problem. We'll see in a little while when I go pick him up.

    Already had to go get Jenna. Her reflux is stirred up for some reason and she's not feeling well. Gotta go get her some zantac. Poor thing was awake during the night with her tummy hurting.

    My, my is it ever dark here! Must really be blowing us up a good one. I'm going to go check the weather.
  20. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Sunglasses against the rules, OK.:cool:

    Here's the list I mentioned of nutritional stuff that's supposed to help with prevention:
    30 mg Vitamin C
    60 mg Vitamin E
    Pine bark - -didn't give an amount-available most likely at an herb shop- (There are some that have reasonable prices)

    He also mentioned Orange juice, pomegranate juice and strawberries.
    It was Dr. Manny Alvarez on Fox News Channel.
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