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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Sep 25, 2004.

  1. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Ah Sue, I know that fitful sleep well since I've not taken HRT. Nightsweats had been stopped by the Estroven but Jim's new job didn't pay him until the first day of his 5th week and our bills were quite overdo. We have no funds for things like Estroven right now and I'm out. I had a NEW thing. I wake with a hot flash beginning mid chest and moving up but they then turn into full body night sweats. Menopause is NO fun at all!

    I didn't get to sleep unitl about 12:30. I had to be up for Ty at 5:30. He did go right back to sleep by about 6:00 and then I slept fitfully until about 8:00. 7 hours of lousy sleep just won't do it for me. Jim works each night til 8 and gets home by about 9. I feed him supper and then clean up the kitchen again. Nick stays up to see Dad...

    Enjoy your day Sue and Brent! Nick and I start each by about 10:00 so I can get some things done in other parts of the house first and Nick seems to prefer some 'fun' time before getting down to his studies.

    Acts 16:25 "About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them."

  2. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    When you are 6'5", it is hard to make anything "work" at the end of the bed. No footboard possible. And found a dome holding up blankets, etc, pull them away from top of bed. Wife made a low cardboard dome, but my feet (which have no feeling) got tangled up in it and ripped it all apart.


    God gives us challenges. Or allows them to come when we did stupid things ourselves to bring on physical problems! MD's are pretty much agreed that my nerve damage was from drug use in the 60's.

    Man, I hardly remember the 60's . . .

    MORNING TO ALL! Have a great day. Praying for my neighbor today. He is an articulate, erudite and gracious gentleman, but up against a vicious trial lawyer in a debate tonight.
  3. Su Wei

    Su Wei Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Good morning!

    late at night here.

    You were caught up in the hippie movement, Dr. Bob? :(
    Know what? you should sleep in a hammock. [​IMG]

    Just had dinner at a "coffeshop" down the road. The next nearest place to eat is at the Eagle's Club which is where the American service people congregate. It used to be opened to public but lately, for security reasons, we're not able to eat there anymore. It was nice western food and salad bar.... i miss it.
  4. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    No. Legal drugs that NOW they are finding long-term damage. Sadly, at 6/5" I look robust, but have always been in very poor health.

    I don't remember yesterday, much less 40-50 years ago (but that's another issue . . )
  5. Su Wei

    Su Wei Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Feb 13, 2003
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    NOw i'm glad i cleared that up. :D

    Yup, man-made drugs just have too many side effects. :(
  6. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Boy howdy - can I ever relate to THAT! :confused:

    Brent started his work at 9:30 and is on his last pace for the day. I think that is VERY good! I may have to increase how many pages he does in each Pace per day!!!

    Brent has an 'experiment' to do and he's done for the day. He is making a 'treasure coin-chart'. God's riches vs. the world's riches.

    I have some grading to do.

  7. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Sue, Bob Jones material tells you which pages each day but of course, Science and History are not every day of the week. MOST days Nick can finish his pages in 2 1/2 to 3 hours if he isn't disturbed. We then go over his work and if he's missed anything, I'll tell him that he missed one. I don't tell him which one is wrong. He has to figure it out himself. He reads on his own and I don't 'time' that. The state of Georgia calls for 4.5 hours a day but that includes P.E., music, art and you can supplement with computer games or certain t.v. shows like Liberty's Kids, Cyber Chase, etc. You can also count the time Brent is helping cook (math and science) or grocery shop (math again). Nick loves experiments and we have a book of 101 Science Exp. He also likes to 'play' Oregon Trail, Amazon Expedition, Zap It (Electricity), I Spy (we have 2 of those that are educational) and Where in the World is Carmen Sandiago. I buy our educational CD Roms from an online store for $4.95 each with free shipping.

    BTW.... Monopoly, Scrabble, HangMan are all educational games too and can count toward the 4.5 hours.

    Good Work Brent!

  8. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Yes, good work Brent1

    howdy folks, haven't beenin for a while. Last Monday afternoon After the wind and rain had stopped, our electricity went off. Since our windows have either no screens or torn ones, we couldn't open windows. After about 3 1/2 hours we couldn't stand it any more and went to Wal-mart. Which is now about a 30 mile drive. when we came back to the house, the power was still off. As Rachel says "we slept in the HO-tewl."
    came back the next morning and just about every light in the house was on!! the problem was a fallen tree, which is still there, but the power line is no longer under it.

  9. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Boy, I am BUSHED! Our Youth Minister's wife asked if I could watch her 2 year old while she went to their daughter's Kindergarten conference and then she came in and we visited until just minutes ago. I still have 3 kids but the rest are gone. It was very lovely. I just love Jon and April. Sure hope they're still around when Nick enters the Youth Group. They average 70-80 each Wed. night.

    Jon may come and spend the night so he can be here bright and early when little Jack gets here. Nick has the dentist early a.m. so Daddy gets the honors. Brooke will be here just after 8:00 a.m. Ty at 5:45..... Is it BEDTIME YET? LOL

    Glad your power is back on Gayla. That had to be tough! It's way too warm here for windows to be closed so certainly further south.... YIKES!

  10. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Okay, update on the screaming neighbor who terrified Nick on Sunday. This afternoon Max (5) and Nick went out to swing. They were not even talking. Loud voice.... 'Get off the swings NOW!' I heard it all the way in my house! The boys ran inside and I told them to go back and play. They got right up against our house and began with wiffle ball bats trying to toss up and hit the balls. 'Put those bats away NOW and get in the house or you're going to be in big trouble!'

    Well, I am totally non-confrontational but the owners of the house are Christians and have always been so very loving toward Nick. I walked to the back fence and called into the open windows of the basement apartment asking what the boys were doing wrong. No answer. I asked, 'could you please come out so we can talk'.... no answer. I then said, 'Okay. My husband called Corp. Parrish with the Sheriff's dept. on Sunday and he said if you did this again to call and he'd send a man right out. They'll be on their way.' No answer. The officer called first because he'd found a stolen trailer and it was being used as a meth lab and he couldn't leave the scene until it was towed... when he did come, he drove over and knocked on the front door. The lovely owner and his wife said 'We LOVE that child! There's just the two of us... Oh Wait!' He takes them to the basement apartment that he and his wife turned into a rec room for their high school senior football player grandson who lives next door (because the father works two jobs and there's also a pre teen sister in the house). There are 8 bruisers down there and the cop scares them to death.... they admit trying to scare the boys and then the grandfather informed them that they were on borrowed time. He came over to hug me and Nick and apologize! He kept saying.... 'We love this kid. He's my buddy! I'm so sorry!'

    Nick's faith in people was proven because he kept telling us that it could NOT be 'Frank' cause he's my buddy!

  11. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Just checking in to say I'm checking out...

    Glad you got the mess straigtened out next door Diane. Kids can be so cruel to other kids (especially younger ones).

    We had a late supper and then Brent and I played Monopoly on Nintendo. We are heading for bed because I did laundry today and have a FULL basket of ironing to do tomorrow morning!

    My car repair cost $121.00 today. The radiator had a leak in it and had to be fixed. The car was heating up and I was losing all my antifreeze. I didn't need the expense right now, but I need the car for my jobs.

    Pleasant dreams all!

    §ue (praying for a restful night's sleep)
  12. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Me too Sue!

    What is it with us? We should be in bed hours ago! Tomorrow I can't even sleep in even if Ty does. Brooke comes just after 8 and Jim and Nick have to leave for the dentist before that... Scott and Sandra will come with little Jack. Certainly no rest for the weary. I just got into the habit of staying up late and enjoyed it and now cannot break the habit!

    Night all!
  13. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Evening all. Don't know too many homeschoolers that CAN'T get all work done by noon. In school (I was Administrator of our school for 8 years while pastoring) a student usually gets only about 50 minutes of actual "teaching" in all the class time combined.
  14. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    I'd be one of them. I've got one child who still can't read so all of her work takes a lot of interaction and time.
    Have another child who takes a lot of patience as each new concept has to be explained over and over slowly. Very slowly. Once she gets it she's good to go, but getting it stuck in her head is a whole nother story.
    Have another one who is plain scary smart so we spend a lot of time advancing that and looking things up since she always has questions or wants to learn something new. The child finally got me to buy a microscope today, after a year of begging, and spent a few hours looking at a piece of salt and a tiny piece of cheese and asking questions I don't know the answers to, so we have to look it all up.
    So yeah, some of us don't get done too fast!
  15. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    I got a GOOD night's sleep! PTL! I am thankful for that. Now I am good to go for the rest of the week. LOL

    Pastor Bob and family will be here from Friday until Monday. I am really looking forward to that. They will be at the church most of the time, but I will get to visit with them 'in between'...

    David Gibbs (CLA) always preaches at our fall youth convention, but had to cancel, at the last minute, due to a heavy case he is involved in - so Pastor Bob will be preaching more than he thought!

    David Gibbs is deeply involved in the "Terri Schiavo" case right now. The news doesn't print much about Terri anymore, but the battle is still raging.

    Brent will do his school work at the kitchen table this morning since I have a FULL basket of ironing to do. That way, I can be close at hand to instruct.

  16. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Off to get Brent up, fix breakfast, go to the corner, come home, get Brent started on his school work, iron, pack up summer clothes, and get out winter clothes.

    Then, it will be time for lunch, pick up the papers, fold them, deliver the in-town route, go to the corner, deliver the out-of-town route, come home and fix supper and go to church.

    Will try to pop back in here later - in my spare time! :confused:

    §ue (with a full plate...)
  17. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Morning all, not enough sleep here but oh well! Ty (2 1/2) arrived on time and Brooke got here at 8:30. They've just finished their breakfast. Brooke (5) is trying to put chapstick on Ty. He's almost as tall as she and weighs a good bit more. He's very muscular and she's VERY tiny.

    Nick had his dental cleaning and check up today on the far south west side of Atlanta so Jim took him. Hope he has no cavities! Nick's very concerned. He knows how lax he is about brushing for 2 mins. twice a day.

    Scott, Sandra and Jack (21 months) should be here soon and our son Jon is coming too. He didn't come and spend the night afterall. I'll have Jack until Sat. They fly out that afternoon back to Md.

    I'll have Max and Morgan this afternoon too. No AWANA tonight or any children's programs since school is out.

  18. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Diane, I am so glad that you posted this. Now I realize that I homeschooled my children and didn't even know it. Of course, we didn't have home computers back then, but we had plenty of games and books. In addition to learning to cook and grocery shop, we went on bird watching expeditions, studied the different kinds of plants and trees, etc. Both children were taught the skills of keeping an organized house and child care and baby sitting. We had plenty of arts and crafts to do. I taught them to swim. The list goes on and on.

    Now, I am doing the same thing with my grandchildren, but we have computers and videos. I have spent time with each one teaching them music and art. I assist each child in their studies from first grade to second year in college. It certainly is encouraging to see them grow in knowledge.

    Thanks for the encouragement.
  19. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Boy Howdy to all from another fine fall day here in the Mountain West. God is good to grant us another day to live and love Him.
  20. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Betty, I think a lot of good parents supplement like you did and don't realize what a major difference that can make in a childs learning experience!

    Dr. Bob, sure pray last night was a better night and that your pain has lessened.

    Well little Jack must be watched every minute and with the other little ones here today, it is VERY difficult. I let two of them go outside (fenced in back yard) and was watching from the window. Sure enough, they took the trikes up to the back of our yard and were going to ride them down. The yard is quite steep!

    Nick has a tiny spot just beginning to change on a molar but no true cavity. He's to have that scraped and sealents put on next Wednesday. I'm not sure how that works....
