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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Oct 18, 2004.

  1. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    Gib: So sorry to hear about your job! Will be praying.

    Diane: I believe the infection is in the area where "it" used to be.

    Tater: 50º is cold? It's 33º here this morning!

    Shawna: Hope THIS round of antibiotics clears everything up for you!

    Where is Dr.Bob? He hasn't been checking in as usual. Anyone hear anything about his test results?

  2. Gib

    Gib Active Member

    Feb 24, 2003
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    Sue-I'm devastated. No more free cable. From high speed to dial up, from going to work and goofing off to staying home and goofing off.

    I found out in the morning. I waited till Cheryl and the boys came home and had eaten supper to break the news. She took it rather well, the boys didn't. I'm stunned. I go in today to clear out my office. I've know these people for 8 years. They are my family, my friends.
  3. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Gib: I am so sorry you, and the family, are going through this. I know it's gotta be tough.

    I had that happen to me and cried for three days. When you're my age - there aren't many options.

    I am happy doing my paper routes, and the corner for now. The hours are flexible and no one is watching over my shoulder. But then, I don't have to support a family on those wages either.

    God is still in control and things will work out. You will have more time to work on your 'health problems' now...

    "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."
    John 16:33

    Praying for all of you,
  4. shawna w

    shawna w New Member

    Feb 14, 2004
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    Good Morning all! Morning Mama! Am feeling better already, and no more fever! No waking in the middle of the night with soaked sheets because the fever broke! Phantom illiness or pain, I am more than aware of that feeling. I have tons of phantom pain in my foot still and it has been over 8 years. It is weird though I can describe the exact pain. Phantom pain is best described as fake pain with real hurt. Anywho...everything is looking better and not much housework to do today so I guess I just might get to bug you all a "little" more than usual! TTYL


    PS Mom when is the first field trip? I wanna go!
  5. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Morning all! So much to repsond to.. hope I don't miss anyone.

    Shawna, so glad the fever broke! Do keep an eye out! Infections in surgical areas can be staph but I'm glad you're on meds.

    Sue, right on so many points!

    Tater, my lump is now between a pea and marble size so I think you're right about the fibrocystic condition. I've got some discomfort in the area and am using a heating pad today.

    Gib, I love you dearly. My family loves you dearly. You know what we've been through for 3 years and it's hard. Can you get disability while you work on your health concerns? I am guessing you'll get some unemployment? Maybe this is the Lord speaking to you about opening a small gift shop with your mother to full time sell your jewlery, the wood burning items, etc. Just a thought....

    Dr. Bob said his doctor called on Monday and told him to avoid people... right after Dr. Bob was exposed to over 1,000 people on Sunday!

    Tony's test came back fine but now he has MORE testing and a form of leukemia has been mentioned. We have SO many prayer needs!

    Deuteronomy 31:8 "And the Lord is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear, or be dismayed."

  6. shawna w

    shawna w New Member

    Feb 14, 2004
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    Will be praying Diane and for all who need them.
  7. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good Morning Shawna and Diane;

    Shawna: So glad you are feeling better! You already missed the first field trip. Grandpa and Brent went to Camp Lincoln, in Springfield, this morning to get Brent's ID. They will tour the facility while there. If you're REAL good, we might let you go with us to the museum (where I used to take you when you were young - bet you haven't been back since).

    Diane: Glad you are feeling less anxious! I know that feeling VERY well and it is NOT a pleasant feeling!

    Does that mean US?!? [​IMG] [​IMG] :confused:

    Going to get some cleaning done while the 'boys' are gone. I also want to pack away my pumpkins and put a few Thanksgiving decorations up and change my 'decorative' flag outside.

    The mailman will be sad today. Brent always gives him a sample of whatever we are baking everyday and we aren't baking until this evening. :(

    §ue (never know what to do first) :rolleyes:
  8. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Until I started Home Schooling, I used to have my whole house cleaned by 10:00. Now I don't even get started til 10:00. LOL I REALLY don't know what to do first! I have made my bed and fed Nick. I don't have Ty or the brother and sister today.... just the two girls at 2:45. If it's really nice, I'm taking the kids to city park. My back yard is a good bit of red clay and they ruin their shoes ......... with all the rain we've had!

  9. shawna w

    shawna w New Member

    Feb 14, 2004
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    Ok Mom I wanna go but remind me so we can bring my wheelchair. We can take turns in it!! [​IMG] That way u and I won't get exhausted!! :D
  10. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    [​IMG] Shawna [​IMG]

    After walking 140 papers by myself for over a week, I think I can handle a museum and I'm not PUSHING you... :rolleyes:

    Well, maybe a little. [​IMG]
  11. shawna w

    shawna w New Member

    Feb 14, 2004
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    is ok Mom I got pretty good at it and when Brent gets tired he can stand on the back
  12. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Boy Howdy and blessed Friday to all. Praying for those with needs shared here in our cyber-forum.

    I am heading to the MD again today. This viral infection is still creating unreal problems, but they seem to be lessening. It is affecting my mobility and that is frustrating.

    Well, enough organ recital. 47F and windy and sunny, and may hit 60F today. Halloween snow long gone and still waiting for the big elms to drop their leaves so I can get the yard ready for winter.
  13. shawna w

    shawna w New Member

    Feb 14, 2004
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    We just mow over ours and call it mulch Dr. Bob. It is sooo much easier! Hope you're feeling lots better with each day!
  14. TaterTot

    TaterTot Guest

    We leave our leaves to play in! The dogs and kids love them. We made crafts with them yesterday. I like the way it looks, too.

    Its 57 here and beautiful. We are going off after while as a family. Hubby was up all night working on a project while he had some good peace and quiet (after the dogs barking woke him up and he couldnt go back to sleep). He came to bed about 7am, so I'm gonna let him rest awhile.

    Yall have a great day, and I hope our ailing friends are a bit better today!
  15. shawna w

    shawna w New Member

    Feb 14, 2004
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    I must admit I like playing in them too. I love the snow just wish it wouldn't snow on the roads, driveways and sidewalks!! Mom and I always took a walk to the donut shop in the first real snow of the year for a donut and hot cocoa. Hope we can continue now that I am closer! of course she still has to buy! [​IMG]
  16. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Well this 'patient' went over to see the nurse practicioner at the low cost/ free clinic in town and she feels positive it's a fibrocystic lump. She'll see me again next Friday and if it's still there and if I'm still freaking out, we'll go ahead with a mammography instead of waiting until I have insurance on Dec. 1st but she said ALL the signs say 'not cancer'. Moveable. Well defined edges. Not hard. Increased in size quickly. I took in a printed out handful of Bible verses and clutched them .....

    Going down to 35° here tonight~ I always look forward to a HARD freeze because it cuts down on mosquitoes! Funny tho... once it hits 32°, all the kudzu dies and it appears you're on the wrong road! You see things you haven't seen in 9 months!

    [ November 05, 2004, 07:02 PM: Message edited by: dianetavegia ]
  17. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    More tests today. This is getting $$$ as we have no insurance and must write a check. Liver damage is severe and they are looking Hepatitis C or more. Must get an ultra sound or CAT scan. Looking at $1500.

    Not sure we shall do anything right now. Each day I am getting stronger and more energy. Still feel like I've come off a 3-week "flu".

    Preaching Sunday on a sovereign God. It WILL be easier to preach that AFTER the election Tuesday than if the liberals had won. But God IS in control in the affairs of man.

    Doing my therapy, so time to surf around the BB and stir up trouble for the weekend! [​IMG]
  18. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    We just found out that our insurance may NOT pay for Brent's surgery since it was a pre-existing condition (even though we didn't know about it) we are talking BIG bucks here - may have to get a couple more paper routes, but he is worth every penny!

    Papers are done until tomorrow morning and I am going to lay back down and try to get some sleep.

  19. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Dr. Bob, Praying but thinking too... I know of some clinical trials we've had to 'use' over the years to get free treatment for Jim. I'll see if they're any in your area.

    Sue, Does Illinois have the insurance for kids? Even if not, Medicaid (Medicare... always get them confused) will jump in with a one time payment for a child who had no insurance. A woman I know was able to use that when her son accidentally dropped a cinder block on his hand and cut off four fingers. Medicaid paid for the reattachment, etc. Her's was like $40,000. !!!

    Still a little concerned about my lump but am trusting Jesus to use this as a learning experience! I've not ever been such a worrier over things like this but my greatest fear is not being around to raise Nick and him having to go to either a family member who would put him behind their child or a family member who is not a Christian. God is going to use this child in a mighty way!

    Hebrews 12:1-2 "Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

    My husband's Aunt Liz is lighting a candle for me at mass on Sunday. She IS a believer even tho she clings to the Catholic traditions.
