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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jul 9, 2005.

  1. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Thanks, ladies, but I don't feel I'm handling it well at all.

    Cindi: The son doesn't take care of his parents. He just comes home to crash when he runs out of money or quits a job or loses his apartment. He is more of a burden to them than a help.
  2. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Oh Sue, I really think you are doing fine, but I'm sure you feel overwhelmed! I sure would if I had everything going on that you've had here lately.

    Go lay down and take care of that headache!
  3. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Well I've had supper and Nick ate again, lol. Jim's still not home.

    I've got some clothes to iron. I won't bring out the iron when the little ones are running around.

    One of the kids tracked in red mud today when they arrived! It's on the first step inside my front door. Once it dries, I can vacuum it up. You dare NOT touch red clay when it's wet! It'll stain like crazy.

    Oh I hope Jim can sleep tonight! He was upset about something and kept getting up and down most of the night. He turned the t.v. on around 3 and it scared me. He sounded in a good mood on the phone tho so hopefully....

    Tomorrow is the usual kids. Ty at 5:45 and the other 3 at 10:15. It's just a few more weeks (8 babysitting days) until Kelsey goes back to school. I'll only have her odd holidays til next summer.
  4. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    We finally got some rain last night. I don't know how much, but my sunporch is leaking in two places! The carpet is soaked! :(

    The rain is much needed here, as Illinois is in a severe drought. We need at least 9 inches of rain to pull us out of it and I doubt we got that much, but it is supposed to rain off and on for the next couple of days.

    I am meeting with a contractor, about installing a fence, this morning at 7:00 (unless he cancels because of the wet conditions), then Brent and I are going to the hospital to see Dale.

    We are hoping he will be allowed to have small sips of clear liquids today. He has a long way to go to work his way up to solid food. He has lost so much weight and didn't have any to lose in the first place!

    I will check in when we get back.

  5. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Hey Sue, good morning everyone!

    I'm glad someone is getting the rain that needs it! I't been raining here some through the night. Everything is soggy. This has given us a good chance to see how the newly graded part of the yard will drain. I'm happy to see that it drains quite well and without eroding. The only low spot appears to be right where the pool will sit and that has to be a bit lower, so the pool will come to the correct height around the deck.

    I'm headed for another cup of coffee. These early, early mornings are killing me. The kids are even all awake this morning! Oh well, just one more day of it and then T can go back to his regular schedule. He's not happy about getting up this early either. He's just not a morning person and on top of that he's in meetings all day and he HATES meetings. He's been a grumpy gus this week.

    Think I'll sneak the last piece of banana bread to go with my coffee.......
  6. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Enjoy your rain.
    My part of my home county is 8-inches
    behind for the year (compared to the
    mean rain for the year for the past 100 years).
    The nearest town center is only 6-inches
    behind for the year.
  7. IAD

    IAD New Member

    Jun 30, 2005
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    Good morning, all. I got Sue's invitation to join this thread, so here I am! :D

    I see MK took the last piece of banana bread. That's OK. I brought strawberry bread.

    *carves off big piece and relaxes with french vanilla coffee*
  8. Barnabas H.

    Barnabas H. <b>Oldtimer</b>

    Jul 1, 2000
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    Hi IAD and welcome to the BB as well as the CGCH#82! [​IMG] I see you know how to live it up with a piece of straberry bread (not bad) and French Vanilla Coffee. [​IMG] Enjoy the good food and the wonderful fellowship! [​IMG]
  9. Wife of One

    Wife of One New Member

    May 10, 2005
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    Good Morning board mates [​IMG]

    I hope that everyone's week is going well. I'm waiting for my MRI on Thursday.

    It's going to be hot hot hot here again today. Time to break out the Igloo :D .

    Talk to you all shortly
  10. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    I see that Sue will be getting 4 to 12 inches of rain. 4-6 would be good but 12 is too much, according to the weather channel.

    The sun is coming and going behind clouds today. We really need a good bit of time without rain to help those whose homes are under water in Cobb County. We got 10 inches here in Carroll County. The red clay washed down the hill and flooded the children's sandbox. It's still got standing water! Since we have so little grass out back, I'm not letting them out to play until it dries up some more!
  11. IAD

    IAD New Member

    Jun 30, 2005
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    We finally started getting rain here yesterday for the first time in weeks. Fortunately, it was a long, slow, gentle rain -- just what we need to break up this ground. It was getting harder than a German Lutheran's head. :D I'm amazed at how much greener my lawn looked after just a few hours of rain. It was thirrrrrr-sty!

    I'm glad we elected not to go to Holiday World this week after all. Too cold and cloudy for the water park!
  12. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Hi, Karen....

    The oldest sister went to the attorney who made out the will that we had portions of. Seems that the uncle does have a copy and has acknowledged such to him. Anyhow, it IS legal and binding (it didn't have to be recorded in GA in the early 90's or filed with the county/state) and his executors fee is only 2.5%....period! He can be removed if he continues to harrass or antagonize the girls just by the girls taking and having the will go into probate and contesting him as executor. There is enough evidence to have him removed, but we aren't sure we want all that hassle. Viv's older sister said to let things ride for now, for Vivian to keep monitoring the bank account and to see if any monies are spent that don't need to be. If so, they are going to confront the uncle. I'll be glad when this is all over with. They all are washing their hands of him and the one aunt who is working in cahoots with him.

    Well, all, it's been a pretty nice day here. Windy, but nice. There was some light rain this morning, but it went as quickly as it came. It is very humid here.

    I've got some light cleaning to do, so, I'd better hop to it. Chat later. Have a great afternoon.

  13. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Afternoon all:

    Welcome to the CH IAD! I hope you'll become a regular. This is the place to come and take a relaxing break from the debate forums. :D

    We just got back from Springfield. Dale is not doing too well. They took the NG tube out yesterday and he started vomiting again last night so they had to put it back in.

    I talked to the doctor while I was there and he's not sure just what is going on. He is going to give him some Sierra Mist (per Dale's request) today and see what happens.

    He has tubes running everyplace including tubes on his legs to push the blood up to his abdomen. He has 27 staples on the outside and over 100 on the inside. Most of the ones on the inside are permanent.

    It looks like he may not be coming home this week-end. Right after surgery, doctor said he could come home today or tomorrow. That's not going to happen! [​IMG]

    We got rain here, but not nearly enough. We need 9 inches to combat the severe drought. We are supposed to get more today and tomorrow. I hope it holds off until after the papers are delivered and then pours down!

    Besides finding out our sunporch had 3 leaks this morning, the car is now acting up. It seems to run all right but has developed a high whine. Pray it's not the transmission. This is NOT a good time for car repairs... :rolleyes:

  14. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    The whine is most probably a belt Sue and unless it's the serpentine belt, might not cost much to replace. Sometimes just a minor adj. is made to make the belt fit better.

    If the serpentine belt breaks, you lose use of your alternator, power steering pump, coolant pump, A/C compressor, etc. They can whine for quite a while but they are quite exensive even at Auto Zone, etc. Seems to me, we paid $120. just for the belt.

    Sorry to hear about Dale! Hope he snaps out of this soon.

    Did the fella come and give you a price on the fence installation?
  15. IAD

    IAD New Member

    Jun 30, 2005
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    Thanks for the welcome, Sue. I think becoming a regular is something I'd enjoy. It seems a bit slower than other "chat" threads I've been in on other sites, but that could just be a matter of timing on my part.

    If you don't mind my asking, what is going on with Dale? I'm assuming he's your husband, but I'm not even sure of that. Obviously a lot of topics have carried over from the previous incarnation of the CH, and I'm not sure how far back I need to go to understand the context of your more recent posts.
  16. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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  17. Coov

    Coov New Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    *walks in with head down and bashful not knowing what to do or say*
    ....do I need to have a special invitation or something? ...I have a bag of Cheetos! .... is there a secret handshake, or possibly some sort of initiation?

    *pulls out bag of Cheetos*

    I'll share if you'll have me... if not, I'll just leave the bag and be on my way.

    *backs against the wall in fear*

    Is it safe?

  18. IAD

    IAD New Member

    Jun 30, 2005
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    *whaps Coov with a giant tuna and steals his Cheetos, replacing them with a generic off-brand*

    Sure, come on in, ya pansy!

    Wow, I feel like such a veteran with my double-digit post count after seeing Coov's single post.

  19. Coov

    Coov New Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    That's 2 now, bub! :D

    *pulls up in a super-sized U-haul full of bean bag chairs, Cheetos, and Mountain Dews*

    Sup, Daddy-O?
  20. Coov

    Coov New Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    Are you going to tell everyone that George Lucas was divinely inspired to create Star Wars so that you and I would someday meet on the Star Wars Christian message-board, or is that a bit much for a third post! WooHoo! # 3!!!