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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jul 24, 2005.

  1. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    I feel for you Tony. Division in the church is never easy even when a split doesn't occur.

    Good morning everyone.

    We've had a nice quiet weekend here for a change. T and I even got to enjoy the pool for the first time Saturday.

    The grass got mowed and most of the house is clean, except for daily chores and I think all the school supplies got sorted out. This year the kids sorted them for themselves! [​IMG] That means I get to catch up on some of my "pleasure sewing". I still have that baby gift to make and Precious' capris.

    Tommorrow is orientation at Precious' school. The one at the elementary school is Wednesday night(can't believe they scheduled it on a church night!), one at 5 and one at 6. It's not fair I should have to listen to the principal's spiel twice, that close together! I'll probably go to the school sometime during the day and skip the whole thing. [​IMG] I've only had kids at this school for 8 years, I think I have the idea how it is run!

    I'll be around a bit more today, doesn't that just thrill your soul?! :D
  2. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Tony, my heart is heavy for you and your church right now. I've never been in a church split. The church before this one, we left after the preacher made some very racist remarks and about 6 months later, he resigned, left the ministry and took some with him. At our present church, when we let a part time youth minister go and hired a seminary trained full time youth minister, a few church members left with him and some of his friends had hurt feelings.

    Taking some time to pray now.

  3. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Well back again. I've got the older kids doing their school work. Nick's got a LOT today! Kelsey has only a small amount. She'll finish well before him, I'd think. I can't put MacKenzie to 'work' at the same time as her sister because Kelsey has ADD and cannot be distracted at all.

    Kelsey is breaking out with chicken pox really badly. She even has swollen glands in the back of her neck from the lesions on her scalp. She's got some really bad spots right behind her ears too. She's itching like crazy. Both of the kids had the vaccine too. Baby Brayden hasn't broken out yet. YET.

    Ty didn't come again today and that's a BLESSING! His aunt is being induced tonight and his mother had told them about him being exposed through MacKenzie. He hasn't broken out and wasn't here all last week so he's safe! Aunt and Uncle want him there when the baby is born. [​IMG] He's in Ala. now until tomorrow night.
  4. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Tony, will definitely pray for your church. Have never been through anything like that myself, and I am thankful for it.

    Sue, will say a prayer for Dale, also.

    And for Rob and the Mrs. with the grandchildren.

    Y'all keep us in your prayers also, please. I have the PET Scan Friday morning.

  5. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Evening ya'll!

    We've had a nice quiet day with only three extra children :D and one regular with a migraine :( . The well kids stayed in the pool most of the day and migraine boy even joined them for a few minutes. The house got cleaner, and I'm considering the sewing machine. It's calling my name and wants to get started on that poor baby's gift, but I'm stalling because I have a bad case of the munchies and can't seem to find anything to suit me.

    Chicken pox are a pain Diane. I'm surprised the poor child got any schoolwork done at all. Mine just wanted to lay there and watch videos or listen to music when they first broke out. One of them tried getting pnuemonia as a secondary infection(we had them at Thanksgiving). Lots and lots of fun. :rolleyes: Thank the Lord that once they've run through all the kids you have, you'll be done for good(or at least till you get a new batch of dc kids).

    Ty's aunt must really like him! I didn't want my own kids in the room while the new one was being born. That's what grandparents are for!

    Sue, how did Dale make it today?
  6. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Evening All:

    MK: Dale did fine today. He was a 'lead' person so his work wasn't heavy. He is tired though. Thanks for asking!

    Bobby (g/son) is coming up from Kansas this week-end to reroof our sun porch. It sure will be nice not to have to put out four buckets every time it rains!

    We're having a late supper as Dale came home and took a nap, so I will say good night now.

    Pleasant dreams all!
  7. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Thanks all for the prayers.

    Gayla, will be praying for you PET scan Friday as I'm undergoing the tests for the nerves in my lower back and legs.

    Sue, glad Dale did well. Weill continue praying for him.

    Not much going on here. We had calls off and on all day yesterday about the church. The pastor called and lambasted my wife and then me, calling us of Satan, etc. It was something I never thought I would see out of a pastor, but we're all human. I asked him not to call my house again...period. I was polite, but he was extremely rude and "ended" our friendship saying I had voted to promote the doctrines of the devils. His wife, at the end of the business meeting said some things about the head deacon that just weren't true, and this was promoted by the ass't pastor and his wife, as they were concerning him being interim until we found a pastor. I think he'll be "canned" this week, and possibly his license to preach withdrawn. I'm hoping that part DOES NOT happen. He's a good man, he was just swayed by the wrong side.

    We didn't sleep last night. We were on the phone til late trying to determine the path the Lord would have for the church. I believe the one deacon who resigned may withdraw his resignation now. It's not been voted on or accepted.

    I'm finding more and more the importance of keeping ones eyes on the Lord and not on a man, even the preacher. Preachers fail...God doesn't.

    Praise the Lord for His goodness. [​IMG]

    Have a great day!

  8. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    No change in the weather...

    I am house cleaning today and doing some yard work (early this morning).

    I slept in until 7:00 and it feels like half the day is gone!

    I fixed a pot roast Sunday and am making barbeque and cold slaw for supper.

    §ue (outside watering the flowers)
  9. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good morning everyone!

    Seems like here lately I can't get enough sleep. I go to bed tired and get up in the same condition. Must have to much excitement in my life!

    Our first orientation for school is this afternoon. :rolleyes: Before then I need to go out and cash a check(school fees), pick up groceries and pay a bill I keep forgetting.

    Ya'll have a good day!
  10. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Menagerie, forgetting bills can be a DaNgErOuS thing!!!! ;)
  11. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Evening all! Just got in and thought I'd say hello. The 3 kids left earlier this afternoon so Dad could take Kelsey to the doctor. Her mother had taken her yesterday but she is covered in chicken pox and some have red circles as big as 50 cent pieces. She's got them in her throat, her hair, inside her ears and other places we cannot mention. She itches but hasn't complained of anything else. No appetite tho. She did all her school work but it took 4 hours 15 mins and should have taken less than an hour.

    I'm just so surprised they're getting them and that Kelsey has them so badly. Supposedly they had the vaccines! I'm wondering if doctor skipped it because Mom was pregnant. MacKenzie had maybe 20 - 40 tiny spots and never seemed to itch at all. Brayden only got his vaccine a few months ago so I'm guessing he's going to skip this. Our Nick got his vaccine just a year or so ago when it was finally approved for older kids. Ty has had his shot and as of this afternoon, has no vesicles. He's seen newborn baby Olivia and will be here Wed. and Fri. but his mother doesn't want him around Kelsey on Thursday so she's trying to do something else with him.

    I'm just so thankful I can't get shingles from being exposed to chicken pox. There is a vaccine for shingles now but our country health dept. has never heard of it tho it's all over the internet. I'll be sure to get THAT vaccine since I saw my mother and aunt suffer with shingles and the pain for about a year!!

    Nick and the girls had built a fort out of unused bedspreads, blankets, and other things last week and have played in it some the last two days. I've got everything in being washed in VERY hot water and dried on very high heat. Kelsey had picked every chicken pox she has so I don't want Ty around that.

    Jim's still working. He had a late appt. about two hours from home. He had a busy day in general. I'm so thankful the weather has remained cooler! No air on and since Jim's in and out of his car all day, it's not too hot for him. [​IMG]

    Have to be up at 5:30 tomorrow but then can go back to bed IF Scooter will let me! He howled today. I walked him while Jim showered and then he wanted to stay out and play but I put him back in the master bath with the baby gate and turned on the t.v. in my room. He got to watching Cosby and calmed down. ;) Won't be long and he'll be able to climb over that gate... however, I put down an old ragged towel at night and he wets on it. Last night was only once and no accidents in the house today! He is VERY smart. If he'd only stop untying my shoelaces while I'm trying to walk with him outside. He's sleeping on the sofa now. I'm sure he'd tripled size in 3 weeks!

  12. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Blackbird takes context seriously out of context to stress a stressful point---of course, while at the same time---looking on the "bright side"----and the bright side is this:

    howlin' beats meowin'!!! [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  13. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Evening ya'll!

    Well I've had quite the day here. Took me two hours to buy groceries and cash that check. I promise I didn't buy that many groceries! Then I got home and decided that the deep freeze needed defrosting and today would be just the day to do so.

    By the time that was done and the groceries were put away, it was time for Precious' orientation. I've complained before that Precious' school had a hard time coping with kids who missed a lot of days, even when they were sick. Guess what Miss Principal spent the first 15 minutes of orientation talking about? You got it! It was all about all the bad things that were going to happen if your kid missed school.(I need a giant rolls eyes graemlin here, the little one just won't do) No differences were made between children who miss school because of health reasons and those who were just playing hooky. Makes me so mad!!!!!!(mostly because I'm so frustrated by this attitude and today wasn't the day to deal with it). The rest of the hour they discussed dress code and discipline issues. Not a word about cirriculum issues or what our kids would be learning/would be expected to learn.(need that graemlin again)

    School is going to be so wonderful again this year, I can just tell.

    Diane, I had a friend who's child had a case of chicken pox as bad as Kelsey's and she had had the vaccine. Sometimes things just don't work the way they should.
  14. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Evening all:

    I have had g/daughter, Michelle (9 yrs old) all evening. She is Brent's sister, from Wisconsin, and is spending the night and most of the day tomorrow. I have been spending time with them so haven't been on the BB.

    Just popping in to say good night and...


    §ue [​IMG]
  15. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning ya'll:

    It's a steamy 75 here already! Heat index over 80. It's supposed to reach nearly 100 today. Yesterday was at 100.

    Viv came home and mowed a little after talking on the phone with her sister. It's been a busy phone week for us so far with her and her sisters, and then with the church split and me and the deacons talking over what should be done. But, God promises help for the journey, and I'm taking Him up on that promise!

    I haven't slept well the past few nights. I can't get comfortable. I do sometimes lie down and try to rest a bit, but it's near impossible. Guess the new meds will have a few weeks to kick in.

    But, God is still on the throne! [​IMG] I'm glad we can go to Him with all of this!

    Hope all here have a wonderful day.

  16. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    T???? Take a look at your post above concerning your lovely bride, Viv!!!

    In people's haste to read as many posts as possible in as short a time as possible are going to assume that

    (1) Viv's grass mowin' had a lot to do with the church split


    (2) God is still on His throne---true---but the deacon's, T???? How come they can't come and snatch the lawnmower away from Viv and do the job themselves instead of talkin' on the phone???
  17. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    Another hot day with a slight chance of some rain.

    I woke up at 6:30 and Brent and Michelle were already up, and in the family room, playing 'Sorry'! So much for quiet time...

    I'm going outside to water my flowers and then back inside to fix breakfast.

  18. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Hmmmm, BB....maybe Viv's mowing the lawn did have something to do with the church split. I'll have to ask.... :eek: [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I just got off the phone with one of the deacons. We just found out this morning that the preacher and the one lady have been planning something like this since April. No wonder the preacher kept checking out where I stood on specific issues. The assistant pastor and the deacon who called me this morning had a discussion last evening and he isn't sure what he believes. We are having a special business meeting at the church at 5:30pm tonight to decide on what to do. We found out that they plan to "go out with a bang". I'm not really sure what that means.

    How do I keep stepping into these landmines for churches?
  19. Gib

    Gib Active Member

    Feb 24, 2003
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    Tony, some people just have a knack for it.
  20. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Guess so, Gib. Since Vivian and I have been married, we've been through 28 splits in churches, counting this one. We had three in one church in less than two years. That was back in 2000. Then the SBC church we joined back in 2002 split in 2004, and we left. This one, so far, we're staying contingent upon what happens over the next few weeks.