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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jul 24, 2005.

  1. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    I went to the doctor back in May---he comes in the exam room and starts "chit-chattin" with me

    How's the wife?



    He looks at my chart in the manilla folder--Then he says

    "Well, Bro. David! The good thing is---you've only gained 6 pounds this past year!!"

    So---as any good preacher would---I seized upon that statement as a sermon illustration to take home to tell my wife

    I get home--and my wife says

    "What'd the doctor say??"

    "Well, Honey! He said its a good thing that I gained 6 pounds this past year!!!"
  2. Petrel

    Petrel New Member

    Jul 13, 2005
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    [​IMG] My sister gained some weight about two years ago when she injured her knee and had to stop exercising. When I saw her at Thanksgiving she mentioned remorsefully that she was 138 lbs (usually ~125). I was surprised and blurted out, "You must be very dense!" :D I thought she looked just fine.

    I'm happy with my weight right now but recently found out my cholesterol is insanely high--169 total. :eek:
  3. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    My wife kept naggin' and naggin' and naggin' about haveing my cholestoral checked

    "You need to have it checked! You're gonna fool around and have a frazzlin' heart attack!"

    So I told her

    "I'll check mine if you check yours! Both at the same time!"

    "Fine with me, Buster!!!"

    So I added

    "And I'll bet the farm that mine is lower than yours!!"

    "You're on, Chump!"

    So we go to the health department

    We both get "stuck" at the same time!

    We wait for the test to come in from the lab!

    Hers was 183!!!

    Mine was 125!!!

    So I said---"See there!!! Told ya!!!"

    She says

    "But you're still gonna mess around and have a frazzlin' heart attack!!"

    So I told her

    "I'm gonna laugh if you have one before I do!!!!"

    So she says

    "How do you know I'm gonna have one before you do?"

    Because your cholestoral was higher than mine!! It just makes sense that way, don't it???
  4. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    I've got ya all beat, mine was 300!! :eek: [​IMG] :(
  5. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning ya'll:

    Viv's hours were changed, so I'm here a little early this morning. I't a nice warm 75 degrees this morning. YUK! Fog is all over the place. Viv canned 3 pints of tomato's yesterday. It would have been nearly six quarts but, A lot of the maters had gone bad because we weren't here to take care of them. Two weeks in GA without watering the garden didn't help. The jalapeno's didn't do so bad, but we didn't get much out of them either. We're probably just going to let these mater's that are still on the vine finish out and till it all under and start again next year.

    Five more days and we go to KY Kingdom in Louisville, KY, Lord willing. We were going to stay the whole weekend, but we felt the Lord wanted us to be back for fifth Sunday sing.

    Hey ya'll, I didn't know it, but my doc said 140 as high cholesterol for a diabetic, and I was right on the borderline this last time. If my blood work comes back with it that high (138) the next time, he's going to put me back on the meds for it. I think that's a little low for even a diabetic, but, who knows. It changes with every report that comes out from the NIH.

    Well, ya'll...Have a wonderful day. [​IMG]

  6. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    It is 80º here at 6:00 AM, heading for a high of 100º with a heat index of 110º. Looks like another day spent inside...

    The fence 'should' be finished today. The guy didn't show up Saturday, to work on it at all, and didn't call. I had told him not to work on Sunday, so I haven't seen him since Friday. At this rate, I don't know when we'll get the sun porch reroofed.

    My sister will be celebrating her 75th birthday Wednesday (she's been married 57 years). My mom would have been 105 this Thursday.

    I'm doing laundry today, including some ironing. I think we'll have a 'crock pot' supper.

    §ue [​IMG]
  7. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Laundry and house cleaning(again :rolleyes: ) are on my list this morning as well. The kids and I will have fried chicken legs for supper tonight since T will be teaching class(he hates 'em).

    Don't know if the pool guy will show up today or not. He was still looking for someone to move the rest of the dirt. I'm thinking teenagers with shovels would work just as well as a bobcat! I might even grab one myself. If he does show up I'll probably work outside some then. If not I need to mow grass this evening. I'd mow now while it is semi-cool but the dew was to heavy.

    That'll be the extent of my day I guess. I hope I can get the house at least mostly clean. Kitty cat has given us a mild case of fleas and I need to get a handle on them before they get to bad. I think I mostly have them off her, finally, but want to get them out of the carpets as well.

    Diane, I keep having anxious spells as well. It is very annoying to KNOW there is nothing wrong, but still FEEL like there is something awful happening. Mine is as usual linked to our finances, which praise the Lord are just fine at the moment. Logic does nothing to stop the feeling of impending doom. I think what I'm really stressing over is the ticket T has to deal with Thursday for Son riding his dirtbike on the street. My favorite( :rolleyes: ) neighbor saw him and called the police. Not that Son was innocent mind you, he knew better. Hopefully when this week is over, I'll feel better.

    Ya'll have a good day, I'll be back around lunchtime!
  8. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Those feelings of 'impending doom' are just the worst. I noticed a red bump under one of my front, bottom teeth right where my mouth piece rubs. It looks like it's turning white. I have canker sores very often but 'this one must be oral cancer'. Ug! I've not ever worried like this or had such silly thoughts. I'd run out of my natural estrogen (soy made) and the night sweats returned.

    Our heat index is supposed to hit 106° today and it's already 90° with our heat index 96° so I'm guessing they're right.

    Looking forward to fall and winter!

  9. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Well, it's 101 here with a heat index at 110. Sick! It's too hot to go outside and enjoy the day, and too hot to work in the garage. The humidity is right at 40%, or so they say. It's sweltering!

    Vivian was madder than a wet hen when she called at lunch. They had cancelled the longer hours for today and tomorrow, but hadn't called anyone to let them know. She get's to come home at 2:45, though. Two more hours of work and she's on her way home! She found out that she had 11 more shares of Dell stock (we already knew, but had misplaced the letter) bought through her stock purchase program. They bought it on June 30th, during all of the stuff with her mom going on. No wonder we couldn't keep track of it. We're glad to know it's there, though. Granted, 11 shares isn't much, but it's a few tanks of gas if we have to sell it.

    I haven't eaten lunch yet. Just haven't been able to bring myself to eat much lately. Don't know whether it's the pain, the heat, or both.

    Diane, Viv and I both were just speaking about the fall and winter this morning over coffee. We will be glad when it's here again. All the "old timers" here say this is one of the hottest summers they can remember in a long time. Their gardens are all grown over, too, so it's not just ours. Seems like the grass and weeds just got the upper hand this year for some reason. One lady's garden down the road had some really beautiful tomato plants and the maters on them were beautiful. The other day when Vivian and I were driving by, we actually saw two of them EXPLODE...I don't know if it was from the heat or what, but it was the first time we'd ever seen that happen until we were picking some from ours two days ago and it happened to us. One of the ones we picked felt like it was ready to explode, and when we let it cool down inside on the counter, it was a bit smaller in size and felt a bit firmer. Maybe the juice was too hot. I don't know.

    Anyhow, ya'll have a nice day.

  10. Karen

    Karen Active Member

    Aug 24, 2000
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    This really works to get rid of fleas in the house. At night, put water with lemon dishsoap in a white bowl underneath a nightlight that is the only light. The night light should be in an outlet close to the floor, over the bowl.

    You will be amazed in the morning. Fleas jump up to the light, fall in the bowl, and drown.

  11. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Tony, it's 92° here with a heat index of 99° plus 54% humidity. It's SO hot but I had to force the little kids to come in. The back of our yard is heavily shaded and they swore it wasn't 'hot'. It's sure too hot for me!

    Once I get all the children down, I'm going to lay on the sofa and watch some decorating shows. [​IMG]
  12. IAD

    IAD New Member

    Jun 30, 2005
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    Holy cow, these threads turn over quickly! LOL

    Could it BE any hotter! Sheesh!! 105 heat index.

    *runs through sprinkler*
  13. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    IAD: We are doing such a good business that we run out of room after 20 pages and have to relocate to a larger Coffee House. ;)

    Temp got to 100º here today with a heat index of 112º - no relief in sight...

    Michelle (9-yr-old granddaughter) is spending the night with us. She and Brent are playing Nintendo 64.

    I will say good night now so I can spend some time with them.

    Pleasant dreams all!
  14. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    I took a short nap while the young kids napped and Nick and Kelsey watched Treasure Island. I'm still tired!

    Anyone here have cold sores? I've never had any that I know of but have always had canker sores. I have a small round blister looking sore with a white spot starting but it's actually on my gum nearer the tooth line. I've had actual canker sores on my gum area even tho the internet says you can't get them there. Doesn't hurt yet. Sort of a tingle. What I read said you CAN get cold sores on your gums and they can start at any time.

    Hope tomorrow is more peaceful! The 3 kids are very unsettled since their mom has been in the hospital so much since she started work.

  15. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    I took half a day off and started washing the vinyl siding on the parsonage---got half way through---will catch the rest later tomorrow maybe!

    What do you guys use for cleaner??

    Here's my mix

    A half bottle of dishwashing detergent-----a cup or two or three of bleach---mixed with water in a two gallon pump up sprayer----spray on the dry surface of vinyl---let it sit for about 10 minutes---then rinse with pressure water!!!

    Cool work on a hot day!!!

  16. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    So much for me getting back at lunch!

    I have cleaned, vacuumed, sewn, mowed grass, pulled brush, filled holes and nursed sick kids all day and I'm tired. I have a clean house, clean yard, holes filled so I don't get the lawnmower stuck anymore, and Bitsy a new outfit made and just waiting for a final press.

    I hate to tell these young'uns, but they are headed to bed! I've had all the whining I can handle for one day. I know they feel bad, but it doesn't help for them to tell me the same thing over and over again in the space of only five minutes. On top of that, Son and Bitsy are trying to one up each other by being the first to ask to sleep in my bed, "because they feel soooo bad". Bitsy is not even sick! Son still has a migraine and Precious is down with her neck.

    How'd ya'lls day turnout? ;) :D

    Diane, this place on your gum is a clear blister with a white center or is it reddish purple with a light center? If it is the second and you havent' been to the dentist in a while AND it gets bigger and bigger, you might want to consider the idea that it is an abcess. Son gets them painlessly and at first they look just like a canker sore but on the gum. Usually Son's are not right at the gumline, but a bit further toward where the gum meets the cheek.
  17. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    BLACKBIRD!!!!! Don't you be mixing no bleach and dish detergent! You'll get a nice chemical reaction that will give off a fume that will kill any blackbird around, human or not! NO, NO, NO!!!!

    Instead use liquid clothes detergent with the bleach.
  18. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Menagerie---quick!!! Go outside your house---look west toward the horizon----see the orange glow!!!???? That's Blackbird!!!!!!! [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Blackbird has forgotten to tell the BB that he conducts such like experiments(dishwashing detergents and bleach----in an open air labratory!!!!!

    Dishwashing detergent and Bleach???? As harmless as mixin' Diesel Fuel with #2 Kerosene!!!!

    Jet fuel-----on the other hands!!!!!!????? Just a cup full mixed with regular Saudi Arabian gasoline----and I can get the grass cut in less than half the usual time!!!! :D

    Keep looking for the orange glow!!!
  19. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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  20. padredurand

    padredurand Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2004
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    Deacons with a bucket and a scrub brush. [​IMG]

    Clorox and Dawn is the miracle cleaner of the 21st Century. Yes, sir just keep it off the jeans.