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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, May 11, 2006.

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  1. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    There's a decoration going on around here somewhere every Sunday in May! Not sure if any are in June. My parents never bothered with them, so it was culture shock when I married T and his family made such a big deal out of it! This is the first we've just plain not gone in the 18 years we've been married. Why they've kept it up all these years is beyond me. T's folks don't really get along with the other families buried there(not necessarily T's folks fault, some of those folks are real characters :eek: :mad: ). I'm glad we no longer live down that way. 12 years we lived down there and I never had one good trustworthy friend! Oh well, water under the bridge....

    You stuck in one place today, Tony? :( You know you are my example of how to deal with life's trials. I'm not sure I'd have nearly the grace you've shown were I in your place. God bless!

    Never made it into the yard and I'm not going to today. It finally did rain just a bit ago after threatening and misting all afternoon. Instead I figured out how I wanted to make an outfit for Jenna. It called for flowers to be appliqued on it, but I really don't like to applique. I found some I could embroider instead. Tested it to make sure the pattern was the right size and it worked very well! Heading back to the machine to actually put it to the outfit in a little bit.

    Right now, I'm having a popcorn break. Popcorn solves my salt intake problem (I don't intake enough :rolleyes: ) and helps to keep my blood pressure up. I've gotten to where I crave the salt when I don't get my daily dose. Everything else around here is lowsalt or salt free because of T's high blood pressure(and cholesterol)!

    Ha! The sun is back to shining. With this changeable weather it's no wonder Chris is suffering from a migraine.
  2. Petrel

    Petrel New Member

    Jul 13, 2005
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    [​IMG] Insufficient salt intake? How is that possible?

    On my last bloodwork my sodium came in one unit below the lowest limit (doctor said it wasn't significant) and I joked about taking a sodium supplement!
  3. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Evening all,

    I have to pick Brent up from his first Boy Scout meeting in a few minutes and then we are heading for bed.

    Pleasant dreams all!
  4. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    :rolleyes: Don't ask me Petrel. I only live in this body! :confused: I do know that if I want my blood pressure to stay at 90/60 or above I have to eat the salt. Otherwise at various completely inconvient times my low blood pressure combines with my low blood sugar to make me first very sick and second, unconscious. Not a nice thing to have happen.

    btw, my children have blood pressure higher than 90/60!

    Sue, you gonna be a Den Mother?

    Back to the sewing machine!
  5. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Hi all. Or most likely, good morning for most on here!

    I get to stay up a bit and make sure my oldest is ok. She may have chicken pox. AGH! Either that or a heat rash. I'm holding out for a heat rash. I ran to Walgreens to get her some lotion, and while there I came across a young guy. I was backing out and wasn't going to stop, but had watched him walk out of the store, then go to the pay phone, and it wasn't working. He looked about 19, pretty skinny, figured if he was nuts I could take him. LOL

    I let him use my phone and we chatted a minute...he was down as he'd just lost his job, he had been trying to call his parents. An interesting twist to my night I guess. It's not my normal habit to stop in the middle of the night by pay phones and talk to strangers, but sometimes you just know it's ok. I prayed for him on the way home, hope he ends up ok!

    Then when I got home, I got my laugh of the night. The dog wanted to go outside, apparently, because I opened the sliding door and she ran. Except I hadn't opened the screen yet, so she ran straight into the screen. LOL I swear I have the world's dumbest genius for a dog! She's so smart otherwise, but this walking into doors thing is just hilarious.

    She's scatter brained like me I guess! Sad but true. I do the same thing. I concentrate so hard on what I'm thinking that I forget about physical limitations. I'll think "gotta get into the room" and focusing so much on what I'm going to do once I get there, or whatever thought is in my head, that all I remember is "walk to the room", and forget about walls and doors. It's most embarrasing at school though. A bunch of people there hold doors open for me now when they see me coming!

    Well, you guys have a good night, or a good morning, depending on where you are! Watch out for doors. [​IMG]
  6. mcdirector

    mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    Definately morning here, so good morning all!

    Gina -- I forget about walls and doors too. I misjudge where furniture is and I frequently trip. Needless to say, I'm usually covered with bruises [​IMG] Hope you gal is ok.

    MK, I have low BP too and get to eat salt to my heart's content.

    I start my new class today. That's exciting. It's on communicating through web design. I hope this prof gets grades in faster! Last class I only knew one grade before 10 pm when grades were due.

    I am really ready for the school year to be over. This class is really silly and it's wearing. As the end of the year approaches, they get sillier and sillier.
  7. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    Another rainy day, but hope in the forecast for sun on Thursday!

    I don't walk into many doors now, but I have a few. My problem is walking through the house too fast - or cutting corners too short. I will invariably hit my hand or hip on a counter, chair, whatever happens to be in my way. My hands, arms, and hips are usually bruised!

    No, Cindi, I am not going to be a den mother! I have nominated Grandpa to take an active part in this adventure, since he was a Boy Scout up until the time he went into the Navy.

    This troup has weekly meetings and monthly, week-end, outdoor activities. I just can't see myself going camping with a bunch of men and boys. :eek:

    Time for coffee,
  8. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    LOL Sue, I can't see myself going camping period!

    MC, we'll have to get Sue to start stocking more salty snacks. Mmmmmm....popcorn is my favorite, but I like chips and pretzels(especially soft pretzels) as well.

    Gina, ever thought that you and the doggie might need your eyes checked? ;) [​IMG]

    It's going to be one of THOSE days. Are we sure it's not Monday? I have two of my own kids to take to the doctor this morning (Chris for his migraine, Jenna for her mono). Then my friend with breast cancer called and both of her kids are sick and she has an infection and the antibiotics are making her sick. One of her's needs the doc too, so I'll be taking that one when we go. She's 14 and should be able to go to the doc by herself, right? (I went by myself when I was 12, but Cass won't go by herself :rolleyes: ).

    This should be a fun!

    Right now I have critters to clean up after and embroidery to get started.
  9. Evie

    Evie New Member

    May 10, 2006
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    Hey everyone,

    Just taking a break from housework UGH!

    It's tipping it down right now, glad Alex is working indoors today, he was beginning to get a cold last night, that's the last thing that we need here.

    Just wondering, are any of you on LiveJournal? I'm looking for some good house keeping communities to add myself to [​IMG]

  10. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    hi Evie,
    Welcome to the BB and CGCH!

    Is "tipping it down" getting colder or raining?
  11. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    It is going to be a little warmer today, but rain is still forecast for the next seven days...

    I haven't been out of the house for well over a week, but today's the day! I'm having my hair trimmed and also we need to make a run to Wal-Mart, IGA, and the post office.

    It's not supposed to start raining until this afternoon, so we can do our errands and be home, hopefully, without getting wet.

  12. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning all:

    It was really foggy here this morning! Last night we had pea to dime sized hail and had to quickly move the car into the garage. I think I broke my ring finger when I put the lawn mower up. It's pretty swollen up and cold as an ice cube! But, the doc says there's really nothing they can do if I come in, so... :rolleyes:

    Viv's group at work has dwindled down to just a few people, and they're working them like dogs! She's looking for a transfer to Antioch, TN where they had parts that ship out. It's a lighter job with the same pay and better hours. It's also closer to home.

    It's supposed to rain here this afternoon. I was gonna try and mow the lawn, but Viv said NO! The last time I almost ended up in the hospital with an asthma attack.

    Well, ya'll, hope you have a great day! It's time for me to go get some grub!

    Bro. T
  13. mcdirector

    mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    Ouch Tony! Hope that finger heals quickly!
  14. Petrel

    Petrel New Member

    Jul 13, 2005
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    Interesting, sounds like we have similar metabolisms. My blood pressure is usually 100/60 but often goes lower. I haven't noticed that does anything to me, but I do have low blood sugar. It seems to crash after I eat anything sugary, so I've been managing it better since I lowered my sugar intake. I just have to snack often. But I just get cranky and headachey and disorganized when it goes too low.
  15. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good Evening Everyone!

    Oooh, I've messed my sugar up good this time! And it's all my own fault. :( You see there was this bag of peanutbutter chocolate bon bons going to waste in the cabinet and I had this craving, and then I failed to get my daily allowance of salt and know I'm so sleepy, weak and sick(well not this minute, because I ate some well salted protein and popcorn and now I'm beginning to feel better. I almost didn't make it through Walmart though) All from 3 pieces of candy eaten AFTER my lunch of taco salad!

    Hiding the bag of candy, now. [​IMG]

    What a day! (besides the sick thing) Had a meeting at 8 this morning to discuss Chris' progress. They had done a bunch of evaluations, most of which pointed out that he is right where he should be but a few of which they couldn't give me explanations for (the descrepancies were in very odd places) and which raised even more questions than we had at the start with. We did determine that because of his migraines he had missed out on a lot of cursive handwriting instruction so he made up his own version of things. We'll work on fixing that some more this summer.

    Meeting took an hour, understanding the data and getting ALL the data, took the rest of the day. That means I have accomplished just about zero on anything else. (does bringing the checkbook up to date count as work?)

    Ah well, tomorrow is another day.......another day I will accomplish nothing, except making my son happy. We are going on his last 5th grade field trip to the Blue Bell ice cream factory and then on to DeSoto Caverns! (Blue Bell will be good for my sugar, right?)

    Time to start the out of school countdown:
    Chris--3 days and out
    Cassie--5 days and out
    Jenna--6 days and out

    Don't know exactly how 5th grade lucked out to get out early, but Chris isn't complaining! :D
  16. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning all:

    We awoke to rain here in the great State of Tennessee. The rain has been on again, off again for the past few days. It's supposed to finally stop either tonight or tomorrow and we're supposed to have a warm and humid weekend.

    I may not be checking in for a few days. We've got some things we need to get finished, and my computer time will be very limited. So, ya'll have a good day or couple of days! [​IMG]

    Bro. T
  17. mcdirector

    mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    I've got a lucky day off. I was scheduled for jury duty, but they didn't need anyone. Since I'd already arranged for a sub and made plans, I'm taking an unpaid day instead. I intend to be thoroughly lazy today. [​IMG]

  18. ktn4eg

    ktn4eg New Member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    Best wishes to you and your family.

    As for me, I'm especially looking forward to this weekend because on Sunday May 21st our church will be observing her 28th anniversary with great services followed by another great Baptist tradition: Dinner on the grounds! [​IMG]

    This year's festivities will be unique because not only will our corporate body be involved in the activities, but also we've invited three other groups to join with us:

    1) Our nearby Laotian brethren,

    2) a new (at least to us) congregation of brethren having Ethiopian roots, and

    3) about 50 people from the Mississippi Gulf Coast region (Pass Christian, Bay St. Louis) that teams from our church have been ministering to by helping them recover from the ravages of Hurricane Katrina.

    We're looking forward with hearts full of anticipation and thankfulness to Christ for what He has, is, and will do for us as He's enabled us to reach out in His Name to all these wonderful people. [​IMG]

    Please pray that all of us will be changed in ways that'll glorify His name as a result of what will take place this Sunday.
  19. PastorSBC1303

    PastorSBC1303 Active Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    Don't everyone stare or get alarmed, but I believe there has been a Grannygumbo siting on the board [​IMG]
  20. GrannyGumbo

    GrannyGumbo <img src ="/Granny.gif">

    Apr 15, 2002
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    Oh shoot...I was scuffling around too loud, weren't I? lol.
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