Originally posted by TexasSky:
If you think that most of the single parents in this country are that way because they engaged in premarital sex you are SORELY out of touch with social demographics of modern society. The majority of single parents are the result of divorce. Not fornication, but even if it WAS the result of fornication - why should the child suffer? Because you think they deserve to have the sins of the parents visited upon them?
Did I say "most" single parents? I don't recall that. However, I do have a pretty good handle on social demographics. I routinely read the reports. And I never said that the children deserved anything. I merely pointed out the facts, something you have a hard time dealing with for some reason. You keep making stuff up.
You only allowed for the widows after someone called you on the other.
This is simply not true. I never excluded widows from help.
You can't sugar coat what you said with, "I didn't actually say that people who are laid off..." when what you DID say was "the majority of".
Yes. These two things do not necessarily contradict. You should konw that. You keep reading the worst into something. I shouldn't be surprised. But I am the kind of person who gives people the benefit of the doubt.
Did you EVER READ the book of Matthew? ?
Yes, many times.
How can ANY ONE who CLAIMS to be a PASTOR in a Christian Church say that Christ never said don't judge.
Becuase, as someone pointed out, I actually read the context of it, and realize that Christ is talkign about hypocritical judgment, the whole mote and beam things.
Did you MISS Judge not lest ye be judged?
Did you MISS the part about splinters and motes?
Did you MISS the lessons of the prodigal son?
Did you MISS "Do unto others as ye would have them do unto you?"
Did you MISS the second is this, "Love your neighbor as yourself."
Did you MISS the story of the good samaritan?
Nope, didn't miss any of that, and nothing I have said here contradicts it. I have the added advantage of having studied those texts and knowing what they are talking about.
How is it loving to look down your nose at someone, declare their choices "bad" and therefore unworthy of assistance?
Because when people's lives are involved in sin, the most loving thing you can do is point it out and help them change. That is my perspective on it. And it is hte Bible's perspective. It is never loving to allow someone to continue in sin, and to subsidize that sin. That is very unloving, since it increases their punishment.
And whether you find it judgmental or not, I TRULY believe you are the most hateful man I have ever met in my life.
I don't know how you could say that since you have never met me. And I am not the one complaining about judgmental people. That was you. And you showed yourself to be hypocritical. You are more than welcome to come up here and get involved in this ministry. I am very concerned about loving people and work very hard to make sure that we do.
I have known people from all over the world, all walks of life, rich and poor, and you are the ONLY one I know who claims to be a Christian with the attitude you have that they all brought it on themselves.
Another mistruth. You just can't help yourself it seems. I never said they "all" brought it on themselves. You need to read closer.
Did you happen to MISS the fact that a LOT of the people Jesus Christ considered "friends" were the very people YOU have decided are unworthy of help?
This isn't true. If you think it is, then you have a gross misunderstanding of what I have said and what Christ said. When Christ saw the woman in adultery what did he say? He confronted her sin and told her to do it no more. That is love, and it is what I practice. When you continually accuse me of not wanting to help, you are not telling the truth. I do want to help. The problem is that you define "help" very different than I do.
But the biggest problem is that you are being dishonest with what I have said.