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Compromisers Promoted At Bob Jones University

Discussion in 'Baptist Colleges & Seminaries' started by foxrev, Oct 13, 2004.

  1. foxrev

    foxrev New Member

    Oct 11, 2004
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    Look 2atlow8:

    It is a requirement started by Bob Jones Sr. that it be presented to the students. However, of course, the student is NOT required to sign. Evidently you did not sign it. After all, it has been 22 years for you. Our class had 100% of its membership sign.

    Can't help your memory lapse here. But the fact remains, there is a "Pledge" that can be signed by each member of a graduating class to uphold the standards/doctrinal positions of BJU.

    It was presented to our class in FMA during the practice for graduation. There we signed it and it was collected.
  2. superdave

    superdave New Member

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Yes and No, Yes and No

    Both of these are rather broad generalizations.

    There are moderating influences in both groups

    It also depends on your definition of "Mainstream Christianity"
  3. 2atlow8

    2atlow8 New Member

    Mar 23, 2004
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    For the sake of argument lets assume the my feeble elderly mind has forgotten my signing such a document.

    Where are the other 25,000 graduates who have signed this document and why are they not calling out the apostacy you see rearing its ugly head. As the lone voice in the wilderness I think you should take it right to B3.

    By the way, if my anonymity is an issue, I too have reason to be quiet about my identity. My brother and his wife work for BJU, two of my nephews are in the University, one in the academy and one in the elementary school. They have something to lose, I do not.
  4. foxrev

    foxrev New Member

    Oct 11, 2004
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    Perhaps they have done what you have 2atlow8, forgotten it.

    2atlow8 says:
    "As the lone voice in the wilderness I think you should take it right to B3."

    Lone voice? Hardly. And surely, a multitude does not make a position right or wrong.Several have approached, written and scripturally confronted bj3. It is HIS school and HE will do whatever he pleases to do with it. Bj3 has essentially "blown off" the conservative Fundamentalists for mainstream Christianty.

    BTW. It is interesting that we both have chosen to stay anonymous (obviously that is fine with me). Bj3 weilds a lot of "power" shall we say and can "rub out" a lot of people. Just like he has done to some who have posted here.
  5. Pastor Larry

    Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
    Site Supporter

    May 4, 2001
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    I think people on both sides would be very surprised to find this out. From your postings here, it appears that you have moved into a category of extreme fundamentalism (which is not true fundamentalism) and have now attempted to impose your own views on BJU and BJIII. I still find that unacceptable and without scriptural merit. If you are going to be loyal to Scripture, then you should base your arguments on Scripture. I have seen very little evidence of that here.
  6. Squire Robertsson

    Squire Robertsson Administrator

    Jul 4, 2000
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    FoxRev: Just because BJIII does not agree with you on your CAT3 nay CAT4 positions, it does not mean he has "blown off" Fundamentalists.
  7. foxrev

    foxrev New Member

    Oct 11, 2004
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    Again, if you were not taught the postions BJU held, how in the world do you think you can say it is "my position" that is rejected? Did you attend BJU? If not, then it would be best for you to stop casting stones at me.
  8. Greg Linscott

    Greg Linscott <img src =/7963.jpg>

    Feb 16, 2004
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    This statement befuddles me. Is there some kind of BJ "Hit Squad" that sabatoges the homes and churches of people who oppose "the cause?" How exactly does BJIII "rub out" people? Seems to me the only problem he can cause is to forbid you from working for the University, speaking in chapel, or visiting the campus. If you believe they are wrong, why would you care anyway? It would be like Wheaton banning me from their campus- Not going to change my life in any way!

    Help me understand this.
  9. Pastor Larry

    Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
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    May 4, 2001
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    It seems to me that the ones who fear BJIII are the ones like foxrev. They want their opinion to be taken seriously, but then fail to give adequate support or fail to give liberty and then complain about things.

    I don't fear BJIII in the least. He has no power over me and can't do a thing to me. In fact, he would probably grant me the charity to disagree with him on these various issues. I like the man, but I think he is misguided on a number of issues. I am not worried about getting "rubbed out."

    These are common scare tactics to try to persuade others and change opinion based on outrageous statements. The reality is that we can disagree on who ought to be speaking on the platform and what the various rules ought to be. And there is a realm of acceptability that doesn't match my personal standards. Foxrev hasn't gotten to the place of realizing that yet. I disagree with BJII on many people he has to speak. But he doesn't answer to me for that. Nor does he answer to foxrev for it. He will answer to God for that.
  10. aefting

    aefting New Member

    Sep 17, 2002
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    The pastor friend, who I mentioned earlier in this discussion, who had brought similar charges against BJIII about 10 years ago and preached against the university at a Bible conference in MD, had his lifetime membership in the alumni association revoked.

    My understanding is that they returned a prorated portion of the funds spent on getting the lifetime membership. :D

  11. Pastor Larry

    Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
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    May 4, 2001
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    And that is "rubbing out"??? I didn't see any pastor friend that you mentioned earlier in this discussion. But people who openly attack organizations should not be members of organizations that support them. Sounds to me like the guy was inconsistent. If he thought BJU was such a compromiser for not separating, why didn't he separate from them? Sounds like perhaps BJU was the more fundamental of the two, since they practiced separation.

    But who cares ... The Alumni Association means nothing and does nothing.

    The fact remains that BJIII can't "rub out" anyone.
  12. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Sounds like some BJU alums should WELCOME be "rubbed out".

    BTW, we have no BJU hit squad here on the BB. I trying to think if we have a Moderator or Administrator anywhere on the BB that even attended (or is sympathetic) to BJU?

    Not me, for certain sure.
  13. aefting

    aefting New Member

    Sep 17, 2002
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    Check out my first post on page three of this thread.

    But, hey, I agree with you. I think BJU did the right thing -- I only thought it was funny how they handled the lifetime membership issue!

    We'll have to wait for foxrev to respond to his over-the-top "rubbing out" comment.

  14. Squire Robertsson

    Squire Robertsson Administrator

    Jul 4, 2000
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    Nor me.
  15. aefting

    aefting New Member

    Sep 17, 2002
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    But not hostile, either. And I have always appreciated that about your posts.

  16. Paul33

    Paul33 New Member

    Sep 18, 2004
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    If you are a student and you inadvertantly disagree with BJU, they will rub you out!

    One semester before graduating I was denied reenrollment because I applied to DTS.

    No joke!

    Of course, the network that supports BJU looks to BJUIII as the pope. They don't admit this, but is you have a question, they will tell you they need to look into it. That means, let me check with BJU and get back to you.

    So, yes, in some "sense" of the word, those who disagree with BJU can get rubbed out of their network of independent fundamentalists by BJU.

    For those of us who just move on, fine. But what if you don't want to move on or out of your network? Apparently this is Foxrev's dilemma. And Foxrev is right about one thing. Preacher boys were told to confront whoever was in authority if they thought the school was drifting.

    Now obviously, I disagree with the ramifications of BJU drifting to the mainstream of evangelical Christianity, but based on my experience at BJU, Foxrev is "supposed" to call attention to it, according to what we were taught.

    What a stupid school, and not for the same reasons Foxrev would call it stupid.
  17. 2atlow8

    2atlow8 New Member

    Mar 23, 2004
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    Actually, I am more afraid of a "secondary rub-out." For associating with me, an unseparated Southern Baptist who listens to CCM, I don't want to have my brother and his family send packing from BJU.

    This is a fact, my brother-in-law and his wife were on staff at BJU. He got an offer of another job in March prior to the contract year running out in June. He gave them three months notice he would not be renewing his contract. They gave him 24 hours to vacate his home (or is that BJU's rental house). I've seen it in action...it ain't pretty.
  18. Paul33

    Paul33 New Member

    Sep 18, 2004
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    Exactly! You think you are doing the right thing by notifying them of your intents, and they rub you out.

    Secondary rub-out is very real, as well.

    If BJU puts the word out not to fellowship with Foxrev, what do you think will happen to Foxrev within his network of friends (fundamentalists)?

    Autonomous churches, yes, but hardly independent. There network (fellowship, association) is stronger than most denominations I know, because it is based on towing the line.
  19. Greg Linscott

    Greg Linscott <img src =/7963.jpg>

    Feb 16, 2004
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    This illustrates what I am saying. If BJU is such a "terrible place," whether for slipping into new evangeliclalism, enforcing unusual and unreasonable degrees of loyalty, or because you don't like their beige-colored brick buildings... :D isn't it a good thing to be "rubbed out" of their network? If your reasoning is sound, reasonable people will certainly understand and appreciate your stand, and only "blind BJ loyalists" will ostracize you. The situation 2atlow8 decribes sounds bad, I'll grant you. But again, if it is as bad as you describe, isn't that severing of ties a good thing in the long run?

    I marvel at this seeming perception of fear of being "rubbing out." If you are governed by Biblical convictions, why does it matter what your former classmates, your alumni's president, or your third grade teacher thinks about you? Isn't there something some evangelist of years gone by used to say... "Do right 'till the stars fall"? Who was that, anyway? [​IMG]
  20. Paul33

    Paul33 New Member

    Sep 18, 2004
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    Because it is your tradition, group, upbringing, network, support group, etc.

    Most importantly, it was seen as true Christianity. Not to be in, is to be OUT! And that's not good.

    If you freely leave, you are turning your back on God and God's will. If you become suspect, they throw you out.

    Greg, you are right. We shouldn't fear it. But if you grew up admiring Dr. Bob III and BJU, and admiring is to soft of a word, and you get ostracized, it can be incredibly damaging to those persons.

    I didn't grow up that way. When I saw through BJU, I was just biding my time. When they cut me off, I said thank you and moved on to Grace College (that wicked new-evangelical school in IN).

    But pity the poor lad who grew up hearing BJU this and Dr. Bob, II and III, that. And we are the only true Christians, and we are the only ones going to heaven, and every one else is compromising and apostate, etc.

    It is so cultic that to leave is to be outside the fellowship of true Christians.