The abandonment of prisoners in Viet Nam is a blight on this country. I cannot blame this exclusively on politicians. The American people who sat on their thumbs are also guilty.
Can you name anyone who would?
My question was about the idea that he expressed that he would rather have still been in the prison than have McGovern crawl to Hanoi. So I would agree that I cannot ever think of anyone who would
I served in the Navy during Korea, all my time in the Atlantic, and I thank God for that. I had 5 brothers who served during WWII, 3 saw action, one did not come home.
I cannot comprehend how men can go into battle; how they could climb down those nets, how they could ride those landing craft ashore, how they could jump out of a plane. I am amazed when I see young men and women want to go back to the Middle East.
Knowing what I do about Viet Nam I can understand how those there would vote for McGovern. That being said I believe that people like McGovern and Jane Fonda actually prolonged this senseless war! I don't agree with your vote but I honor your service!
Thank you. But I put the traitor Fonda in a different category than Senator McGovern. Fonda cheered when a US plane was shot down. She saw the marks on the POW's bodies and said nothing. I don't think she was smart enough to think through things on her own, but she was different.
I voted for McGovern as much about ending Viet Nam which was going to end soon anyway, but also about the criminality of Nixon. He may have done some good things, but the level of criminality is seen in the number of his henchman who went to jail.
I think our current President is also going to be remembered for trying to destroy our freedoms. His attorney general ought to be tried for fast and furious. I think that the President has to stand behind Holder because if holder goes down so will he. But just because this current President is not getting any court time is not a reason for implying that Nixon was anything other than a common criminal.
Thank you for your service as well as your family also. I had a grnadad in WW1, a father in WW2, an uncle in Korea. All of them came back, but all bore the wounds of service both physically and mentally.