Active Member
You know, there is an interesting story behind how Dr. Robinson became a professor at SEBTS even before the conservative Dr. Patterson arrived. Back then, a faculty committee had to approve each new faculty member, and in general they only approved like-minded ones (i.e., not conservative ones). But on the committee was Dr. Robinson's major professor for his Th.M., and he couldn't bring himself to reject Robinson out of professional courtesy. There was another who voted against. I'm not sure who cast the deciding vote. Perhaps the late faculty dean Dr. Russ Bush, the first of the conservatives to enter SEBTS in a long time. Anyway, the choice of Dr. Robinson, an SEBTS alumnus for both M.Div. and Th.M., and especially having a good reputation with his major professor who was on the committee to approve new faculty, was a very shrewd move by Dr. Bush.