Below are two scenarios of two lost men. Jack is a lost man in the non-Calvinistic system, while Joe is a lost man in the Calvinistic system. Which of these men is really worse? Which is clearly more deserving of Hell?
Jack: Is a sinful and depraved man who is born an enemy of God and in need of reconciliation with his Creator, God. He is genuinely loved and chosen by God. God provides a way for Jack to be saved and sends him messengers to appeal for him to be reconciled. Jack trades in the truth for lies, by his OWN independent free will. He spits in the face of God's mercy and grace. He rebells against God's love and provision over and over until eventually his heart grows hardened and is given over to his defiled mind. He is lost and condemned to hell for an eternity.
Joe: Is a sinful and totally depraved man who is born an enemy of God and in need of reconciliation with his Creator, God. He is not loved or chosen by God and so God doesn't provide a way for Jack to be saved. Jack hears the truths of the gospel but never really understands them nor can he because his innate natural condition from birth prevents it. He is born unable to willingly be reconciled to God despite God's appeal to do so. He is born virtually hardened without hope of ever been saved and is condemned to hell for an eternity.
Given this scenario, how can anyone claim that the non-Calvinistic view has a 'higher' view of man? It appears to me that Jack is much worse than Joe. Jack is provided all he needs and still rejects God, where as Joe is doing as he was created from birth to do and never provided the means to turn to God. Jack is clearly the worse of the two and clearly the Calvinistic view is the one who gives men excuse for their rebellion and thinks too highly of unbelievers.
Jack: Is a sinful and depraved man who is born an enemy of God and in need of reconciliation with his Creator, God. He is genuinely loved and chosen by God. God provides a way for Jack to be saved and sends him messengers to appeal for him to be reconciled. Jack trades in the truth for lies, by his OWN independent free will. He spits in the face of God's mercy and grace. He rebells against God's love and provision over and over until eventually his heart grows hardened and is given over to his defiled mind. He is lost and condemned to hell for an eternity.
Joe: Is a sinful and totally depraved man who is born an enemy of God and in need of reconciliation with his Creator, God. He is not loved or chosen by God and so God doesn't provide a way for Jack to be saved. Jack hears the truths of the gospel but never really understands them nor can he because his innate natural condition from birth prevents it. He is born unable to willingly be reconciled to God despite God's appeal to do so. He is born virtually hardened without hope of ever been saved and is condemned to hell for an eternity.
Given this scenario, how can anyone claim that the non-Calvinistic view has a 'higher' view of man? It appears to me that Jack is much worse than Joe. Jack is provided all he needs and still rejects God, where as Joe is doing as he was created from birth to do and never provided the means to turn to God. Jack is clearly the worse of the two and clearly the Calvinistic view is the one who gives men excuse for their rebellion and thinks too highly of unbelievers.