Continental drift? I honestly don't know.
What I recall reading about this.... very interesting ...... and does look like from the shape of the continents that they could've been compressed into a single piece like a puzzle which is whole before being broken apart and becoming what it now looks like.
Except for those who would try to place a gigzillion years for this to have happened.... I don't think it contradicts the Bible in any part where the Bible might be interpreted as alluding to such.
I've read a little about the teutonic plates and earthquakes and volcanoes. While the presentation seems plausible.... somehow it just doesn't make sense to me in some strange way.... plates sliding over, plates sliding under, etc.
More recently I read something about the earth actually expanding..... which makes more sense to me although one might ask 'how can a finite mass expand?'. I don't have an answer to that. If it was matter going from solid state to liquid to gas then on an elementary level of practical application I could understand that. Or if the core material was liquid under intense heat and pressure contained by the solid exterior with occasional and self healing breaches of expansion and pressure released by molten material or gases...quickly cooled at the surface where expansion occurs, then, again, with my limited understanding...... this sounds plausible.
But, I really haven't studied any of this so I really don't know the science behind any of the theories.
But, if allowed the liberty and freedom to run with my imagination and just toss the craziest hypothetical and stupidly crazy guess into the mix........ My own theory.... based solely on imagination..... is that the whole universe has been in a state of accelerating expansion until recent and what is now measured and observable .....and accepted as a constant.... only appears so because, in fact, it is slowing down. 6000 years ago, when man first appeared on the earth, the stars were closer to the earth and the sky was clearer: The marvels which are described on the walls of ancient buildings and artifacts showing the constellations..... some with stars now missing....... is because they were seen clearer and brighter and closer than they are now.... and their order of arrangement has moved from their original positions at the start.....while also moving away.
As for the earth...... I wonder if it were like on the order of an egg... only round....... concentric spheres within each other..... the center most being molten, the next being solid or semi solid, the next being a sea of water or colloidal mass containing water and solid......and on that an intact shell of earth with the central rivers of Genesis of the Tigress and the Euphrates extending outward throughout the solid land, then the atmosphere, then an outer and protective shell of ice in the uppermost regions of the atmosphere: This would create a terrarium like effect....... temperate climate throughout supported by a mist which rises from the earth at night as it cools, and settles in the morning hours to refresh all living plants and to provide fresh clean water to drink for man and beasts. I think the air had greater mixture of both oxygen and carbon dioxide and both under increased pressure. I think this could explain the proficient life and longevity.
The icy shell would be protective of the harmful radiations of the sun in the day and expand the light of the moon at night. However God chose to make the flood..... there was abundance of water within the underflowing streams to swell to the surface, pushing up here and capsizing there: and also abundance of water in the firmament overhead to fall as rising rain.... and to bury in snow and ice those huge gollaiths of over grown mammals. Temperatures changed drastically and polarized into more extremes with some ice and snow forming glaciers.
The floods came. The protective shell was removed and more harmful rays could now penetrate to the earth. The carbon decay rate might be altered (in what just a guess.
As the land began drying out from under the weight of the water....some rose and other masses settled..... forming oceans and seas, and underground rivers. The animals which survived on the ark were released..... they began mutilplying and migrating away from their natural predators in the wild (divinely directed by their Creator). Domesticated animals remained close to the protection and husbandry of man. Predatory animals scattered where ever they could find meat or carin....... and the most vulnerable did not make it except in those most remote areas where they were successful in fleeing from their predators. Sin once more abounded and God's judgment brought confusion of tongues, dispersement of man kind by divisions in language with their animals going with them, and continued disturbances in the earths crust as earthquakes...... breaking it up into pieces resembling a puzzle. This is my imagination on overdrive (except for those parts which are scripturally sound).
Fact: I do believe there was a flood; a sudden and unexplained confusion of languages; the death of all humankind save for the preservation of 8 souls saved in an Ark constructed by God's command, and by which the whole earth was repopulated to this present day.