On this forum
@TCassidy and
@John of Japan have proved themselves good resources,
What is interesting is that John and I differ on our understanding of Soteriology, but respect each other and don't make false accusations regarding the other. I understand John's position and respect it, and know he has defendable exegetical reasons for believing as he does, and, I hope, he believes the same of me.
The problem is not those who hold a defendable exegetical position. The problem is, on one side, the hate mongers who know virtually nothing of the Soteriology of Monergism and constantly post known falsehoods and utter nonsense, quoting "Calvinists" and demanding all Monergists walk in lockstep with the quote (usually taken out of context). They only know what they have been taught, "Calvinism bad! Calvinism bad! Calvinism bad!" And as a consequence they cannot and will not learn, but choose to remain willfully ignorant.
On the other side is our group of "Cage Calvinists." The are young, not necessarily in years but in understanding, who think that going on the attack is better than honest, calm discussion.
As Paul puts it in Romans 10:2 For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
Which is why, when this thread was opened to post and discuss the verses Monergists are said to misunderstand, the first post after the OP is a childish personal attack without one word of scripture and completely off topic.
I suspect we are wasting our time and the board's band width. There will not be honest discussion. The emotional involvement of the antagonists is much too profound to allow such discussion.