This morning, on the radio, I heard an interesting thought. People that want to compel others to believe as they do are weak in faith. At the other end of the spectrum are those who present the gospel as best they can with all needed preparation and follow-up (watering) but accept that what the people do with the gospel is their choice.
Estimates vary but usually somewhere between 15% and 25% of the general populous see themselves as controllers, they want to tell others what to do.
How does the Bible tell us to effectively witness to those who have not only made up their own minds, they want to determine how everyone else should believe as well?
Estimates vary but usually somewhere between 15% and 25% of the general populous see themselves as controllers, they want to tell others what to do.
How does the Bible tell us to effectively witness to those who have not only made up their own minds, they want to determine how everyone else should believe as well?