1. I say if people want to build a psychiatric hospital for the death row inmates, let them do so on their own land, with their own funds, and volunteer and/or pay for the whole thing WITHOUT using my tax dollars. I wonder how many libs would be willing to donate their own land, time, and money?
The Cali libs have the money to do this, ask Obama, he did six more fund raising speeches in three days here in Cali this week. Three in the Bay area, and three in Hollywood.
I do not like my tax money going to attend to the mental health needs of murders. Without appearing to be cold, most of them are border line crazy, and if they need counseling to adjust to being executed, toooo bad!
I like your ideas, and it should go for the illegal children and thugish gangsters coming from down south. If Obama and his liberal buds and socialistic types want to harbor these children, let them do it on their own dime!
2. The convict did not have cruel or unusual punishment. Perhaps those who think so should research torture methods used in the Middle Ages, when prisoners died on the rack or guillotine.
That inmate who died and suffered in Texas last month shot the girl point blank, and while she laid there and died, he ordered his gang member buds to throw here in the shallow grave and bury her while she was still alive!
If these murders suffer a little, it may be payback karma!
3. No, the USA should not get rid of the death penalty. Again, those who want the prisoners to have a life sentence with air-conditioning, central heating, medical care, 3 hots and a cot, etc. should do so on their own dime. Otherwise, they need to stop preaching "compassion" with my tax dollars.
Great points, and I fully agree and think along the same lines. If more young folks feared prison as being something other than "Club-Med" and knew the death penalty would be enforced in a very timely manner, there may be less crime and murder'