"Like six officers."8 cops and no tasers? Right.
Smith recalled that around six officers responded, and two of them had helped save Jennings’ life by taking him to the hospital after his overdose just days before.
“It was like six — six officers, and one cop yelled, ‘Bag him!’ And they bagged him,” she said. “And he kind of puffed up a little bit, and then they bagged him two more times, and then like 16 shots rang out, and they shot him. And he fell to the ground.”
6 cops with bean bags vs one teenager with a bb gun, maybe. Anyone can see how the cops might have thought their lives were in danger. The kid might have put an eye out.
"Like sixteen shots."
Was it six officers, or was it like six officers? Was it sixteen shots, or was it like sixteen shots?
Ever heard of someone emotionally distraught not getting their facts straight?
And as for the BB gun - you're called to an incident, and the report is that there's a gun involved. The suspect makes a threatening move. Do you wait for another policeman or a bystander to get shot, and possibly killed, before you react?
There are a LOT of details missing from this story. But y'all feel free to pass judgment before you have all the facts.