In the old days they would whip lawbreakers. Today even spanking your own kids will soon be a crime in all states. Do you think this form of punishment works? The humanistic wisdom of today would say no but is this true? Were people more respectful of laws and authority in the 17th century? The old west? Opinions...
Historically and Today, the head of the household is the head of "family government".
When a head of the household relinquishes their position, by abandonment, by giving it another, (other person or a government), THAT household becomes SUBJECT TO the others, rules, laws, authority, etc.
As seen today, LAWS have "changed" drastically, to favor the LAW breakers and PUNISH those who abide by the LAW.
As seen today, the HEADS of family governments, have "changed" drastically, in abandonment and in "GIVING" the government AUTHORITY over their household.
Today even spanking your own kids will soon be a crime in all states.
A crime is ONLY applicable, IF one IS "subject to" the LAW to begin with, and therefore "subject to" the authorities WHO "enforce" the Law.
A LAW has no "effect", if one is NOT "subject to" to law, and the enforcement thereof.
"Corporal punishment", became a big topic, primarily regarding, children in public schools. Public Schools, which the parent first "agreed" to "subject themselves and their children to" its rules, bylaws, laws, and regulations and the authority thereof.
"Corporal punishment", IN HOMES, came into play, primarily when, "state run homes and schools", were superseded, by "foster homes", where the state pays for children to reside in private homes (and subject to the governments rules, laws, etc.) (instead of abandoned children being housed in state homes).
Additionally, the government promotes, that the Children, bypass the head of the family government, and contact the government directly, to make allegations, be they true or false.
The Feds and the State government absolutely do have the power to create laws, rules and regulations.
It is the individuals responsibility to KNOW, if any law, rule or regulation APPLIES to them or their household.
And THAT ^ is accomplished by applying the very basics of WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHY and WHERE per THEM specifically and ANY Law so written.
I could care less IF EVERY sovereign state in the Union, writes laws about "spanking" children.
Because everyone with children has the "choice" to "subject" their "child" or "themselves" to the government or not.
I absolutely do not favor beating a child. Nor do I find it in the least necessary. However I am NOT opposed to corporal punishment administered in the proper context of force and effect.
And as well I have observed God gifted us with TWO hands, and while one hand can get the attention of an unruly child, the other hand is also effective in hugging the unruly child.