This president who promised change is getting it done. His change not ours. We now basically have an open door policy at the border allowing terrorists in. We also have a military that is systematically restructured to follow what ever orders they get regardless of the legality of them. We are importing the Ebola virus into the US and then ferrying it wound on our commercial planes with permission from the CDC. All this to bring us to a state where martial law can be declared and the military take control.
A coup would not be against the President but against the people and constitution all done in the name of protecting the nation from itself. Add to that a financial collapse or at least a strong downturn and the stage is set.
I don't think you understand what a military coup is. The coup happened a long time ago, but it wasn't a military coup. What you are referring to is martial law, and the preparations for that have been happening for several years. It won't be the military though, as Posse Comitatus makes it more difficult to use the military for it, but I wouldn't rule them out. It is being done through Law Enforcement. I'm sure most of the people on here will just think that is all conspiracy, but I say it is opening of the eyes and a realistic view of what is going on.