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Yes, just like he could have stopped Satan from existing, or chose not to make the rule about not eating a fruit in the garden. No one denies that God didn't have to allow freedom of choice or evil actions.Could the Lord stop all rapists and murders from doing what they desired?
Could the Lord stop all rapists and murders from doing what they desired?
Not right now, as He has decreed that for a reason adn a limite dtime, evil and sinn still allowed on His earth...
So what would you have Him to do Skan, eliminate ALL will from Humanity, and make us the robots you claim calvinism creates?
You seem to want free will, but also want to have God the culprit.at fault when sinners start exercising the amount God still grants them to have!
If the debate was over whether or not fire required fuel, then you are right, that would be begging the question.
Luke, sometimes you just crack me up. You were just proven to not even know what the Question Begging fallacy actually is and ironies of all ironies you turn it into one of the biggest question begging responses of all times.
Question begging is the typically the LOWEST form of debate and a waste of time, but you've gone even lower and you are actually appealing to 'everybody knows it' presumptions??? Seriously? Of course when a Calvinist says 'everybody' does he mean it like the word "all," which is actually just a relatively few? Or maybe its "everybody of all kinds?"
Enjoy basking with EVERYONE because they ALL know you are right....lol
Good bye.
I have a quote for you Luke:
"A true winner doesn't have to spend his time attempting to convince everyone of his victory, because it is obvious to all and most especially the victor. If however, one feels the necessity to belittle, put down, demean and convince others of his superiority in any given situation they prove themselves to be an immature loser and very insecure in their given undertaking."
Do you know who said that?
Oh, and another sign of insecurity is to straw-man the others argument by accusing them of believing things a silly as, "will of man is as independent as GOD ALMIGHTY." To suggest some level of true responsibility and independence in our moral determinations is not equating us with the freedom and abilities of God. That is absurd, but hey, if you can't debate the real opponent, just create a lessor straw-man to attack and claim victory over if it makes you feel better.
I am not accusing you- I am telling you that your whole belief system rests upon this ridiculous notion that man's self or man's will is as independent as God Almighty.
That's a fact. You haven't even TRIED to argue otherwise.
I will give you a million dollars right now if you can provide even one quote where I suggest that we are AS INDEPENDENT as God Almighty. Arguing that we have some attributes similar to that of God
No He wouldn't for God (existing in Trinity) is an uncreated being. If God created another being "like" Him it wouldn't be "like" His since it would be created.
That's all folks.![]()
It is not that you are arguing that we have SOME attributes like God's- it is that you are saying we have one particular attribute which God ALONE can have. INDEPENDENCY.
"He just did," is not an answer.
Here, "Independent" is being defined as "existing by necessity".When you say that ANYTHING is that independent- so independent that it is not contingent upon anything outside of itself you are saying that thing has the same kind of independency that God Almighty has.
Question begging A-G-A-I-N... the very point up for debate is whether or not God is able to create people with the ability to make independent choices and you are PRESUMING that this attribute can only belong to God.
I'm arguing that God is able to create us to be independent/responsible in our moral choices.
I'm not arguing that we are equal to God, or that we are "as independent as God" or that we aren't created or that we aren't dependent on God for anything or any other straw man argument you want to invent. You believe God is too weak or limited to accomplish anything greater than building robotic type creatures (determined). That is the difference in our views. You believe God had to create determined (robot/programmed like) creatures because he is just not creative or powerful enough to have done otherwise. So be it.
Here's the problem I'm seeing:
One gigantic series of equivocations.
"Independency" is being exemplified as existing a-se?
By way of example:
Here, "Independent" is being defined as "existing by necessity".
Who is arguing that a will is "not contingent upon ANYTHING outside of itself?"
Since when is that a valid definition of the word "Independent"?
We call the United States an "Independent" country and fought a war for "Independence"...are we now insisting that we believe that there is no possible world in which such a thing as the United States of America does not exist??
That's what this argument would entail.
There is no possible world in which God DOES NOT exist.
There are possible worlds in which Libertarian Free Will DOES NOT exist.
Every proponent of L.F.W. that I know of would affirm this, so why are we being accussed of believing that contra-causal will possesses aseity?
No one is arguing that a "free-will" possesses aseity, obviously it is contingent:
1.) Simply to exist (i.e. it must have an agent which possesses it, a "mind" which interacts with it, a brain etc...)
2.) Upon influences: (no one argues that desires, pre-conditions, nature etc...do not influence decisions)
But none of this demonstrates that a will can't be contra-causally free, in the sense of having the categorical ability either to act or refrain from acting independent of sufficient guarantors.
I believe our compatibilist friends are conflating self-existence with independence of action and thus simply equivocating between them.
All L.F.W. belief entails is that: exterior and interior influences, desires etc...are not sufficiently causal. That is all.
Some compatibilists appear to be arguing that if we believe in L.F.W. that we insist it would exist in a vacuum of nothingness. That's not the case. It doesn't exist a-se; it doesn't exist necessarilly, but rather contingently.
Skandelon (rightly I.M.O.) maintains that God (who does exist a-se) is perfectly capable of creating a being and granting it the (very contingent) capacity to make decisions which are not sufficiently caused by pre-existing conditions. That's not a particularly arrogant claim on Skan's part.
It doesn't exist apart from influences....but the influences are not sufficient guarantors of the content of the choice.You are at least arguing that the choice a man makes, or the man who makes the choice, is partly self-existent. Partly.
And whatever that part that exists apart from influences, no matter how small- that part that is truly independent
You are defining "independency" as necessary existence, I am not.that part is God- in other words, you are attributing the incommunicable attribute of independency to it.
The existence of a choice is contingent upon those influences (and many other things)....the particular content of the choice is not completely determined by them.Yes, you may acknowledge that the will is influenced. But you also argue that a CHOICE is not contingent upon those influences.
1.) An agent to posses a "will"So what then is the choice CONTINGENT upon?
What does it depend upon?
I am not sure how to take the phrase "depend upon"....so for clarification, I'll wait. But if you mean from where does the chooser derive that ability, that would be God of course.If you say, "The chooser," then what does the chooser depend upon to make the choice?
The choice requires at minimum, a chooser > which is not "nothing"If NOTHING- then the choice or the chooser has the incommunicable attribute of independency or, self-existence.
Choices, minimally require choosers (thus contingent)The choice or the chooser choosing is self-existent:
No.depending upon nothing just as God is self-existent depending upon nothing.
It doesn't exist apart from influences....but the influences are not sufficient guarantors of the content of the choice.
You are defining "independency" as necessary existence, I am not.
The existence of a choice is contingent upon those influences (and many other things)....the particular content of the choice is not completely determined by them.
1.) An agent to posses a "will"
2.) A "mind" to engage in decision making
3.) Influences to give content for deliberation
4.) An ultimate creator to design and create a Universe in which the agent may exist.......
I am not sure how to take the phrase "depend upon"....so for clarification, I'll wait. But if you mean from where does the chooser derive that ability, that would be God of course.
The choice requires at minimum, a chooser > which is not "nothing"
A chooser requires a God who created him and gave him the capacity to make choices > again that is not "nothing".
^^^^it NEEDS (at minimum) the above ^^^^ and the above is "SOMETHING".You have the choice not NEEDING anything.
By "determine" Skan essentially means to "make" the choice > I think by "determine" you generally mean sufficiently guarantee it....I think (reading you guy's exchanges) that some confusion appears.What does determine the choice then?
My "dilema" is only that you accuse us of not being able to point to any one thing that either the choice itself or chooser requires for it's very existence....See above for the answer to that.How does this address your dilemma?
I do not know...but, I suspect it is quite heavily influenced by his beliefs about what hot-dogs are composed of, and whether he is willing to partake of such swill. But what difference does it make whether I know or not? Does my not knowing what was involved mean that there were pre-existing sufficient guarantors? I don't think so. And if the choice betwixt hamburger and hot-dog is a choice which can be sufficiently guaranteed by pre-existing desires, wants, phenomena etc....does that mean that ALL CHOICES are so simply derived?A man chooses a hamburger over a hot dog- why?